Health Connect

A simple way to share data between health, fitness, and wellbeing apps

Health Connect - Share Your Health Data Easily

"Health Connect" is an Android app that simplifies the sharing of health, fitness, and wellbeing data between apps, ensuring user privacy. It stores your health data offline on your device and offers easy controls for managing what you share with each app. With simple access through your device settings, you can oversee your data and adjust privacy settings in just a few taps, making it easier to track your health and fitness journey.
Install from Google Play Store

App stats

Version: 2024.12.26.02.release (Last updated: 2025-01-16)
Version code: 171302
Creation date: 2022-11-10
  • android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
  • android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE
  • android.permission.GET_PACKAGE_SIZE
  • android.permission.INTERNET
  • android.permission.MIGRATE_HEALTH_CONNECT_DATA
  • android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS
  • android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS
  • android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED
  • android.permission.REQUEST_DELETE_PACKAGES
  • android.permission.WAKE_LOCK
  • See more
Size: 7.44M

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App summary

Health Connect by Android gives you a simple way to share data between your health, fitness, and wellbeing apps without compromising on privacy.

Once you've downloaded Health Connect, you can access it through your settings by going to Settings > Apps > Health Connect, or from your Quick Settings menu.

Get more from your favorite apps. Whether you're focused on activity or sleep, nutrition or vitals, sharing data between your apps can help you better understand your health. Health Connect gives you simple controls, so you only share the data you want to.

Keep your health and fitness data in one place. Health Connect stores the health and fitness data from your apps in one place, offline and on your device, so you can easily manage the data from your different apps.

Update privacy settings in a few taps. Before a new app can access your data, you can review and choose what you want to share. If you change your mind, or want to see which apps recently accessed your data, find it all in Health Connect.

User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • Does not work as intended for syncing with other apps
    • No standalone interface; hidden in settings
    • Inconsistent data syncing and performance
    • Difficulty navigating permissions and setup
    • Users report missing or incorrect data updates
    Most mentioned
    • Application acts more like a settings page than a standalone app
    • Significant issues with syncing data between connected apps
    • Confusion regarding its purpose due to lack of user interface
    • App primarily functions for specific integrations, and not universally compatible
    • General frustration with the app's reliability and functionality
    User reviews
    by Anonymous, Invalid Date

    Most importantly, Doesn't work with LoseIt, so it's automatically a 0/5 there. But also it's...literally not an app? Doesn't appear on my home screen or even when I search my phone for "Health Connect". It's more like this just adds a settings page to your phone to, in theory, manage connections between your health apps. In practice it just doesn't work very well. Would rather type things into multiple apps manually than use this.
    by Jonathan Sagovic, 2025-01-28

    The last few days my steps are deleted at random, I will have 60+ heart points (that is still functional) and it shows 30 steps. That does not add up at all. Loved Google Fit. This Health Connect app does not do a thing for me. I need to find another app that tracks heart points, counts steps, connects with my other gizmotrons. Am frankly annoyed. Why mess with a good thing and return something so substandard to the general public?
    View all user reviews