Samsung Knox mPOS Enabler

SDK for Payment Application Development (This SDK is not for end users)

Samsung Knox mPOS Enabler - Secure Payment SDK

"Samsung Knox mPOS Enabler" is a powerful SDK designed for payment application developers, providing robust encryption, customizable TUI, and device attestation to ensure secure and contactless payments on Samsung devices. With features like Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) encryption and Knox attestation, developers can create reliable POS applications in less time, while maintaining high-security standards. This SDK is exclusively for developers, not end-users.
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App summary

Knox mPOS Enabler provides a range of protection/usability features, enabling secure and contactless payment on Samsung devices.

. Encryption : With cryptography based in Trusted Execution Environment(TEE), all track data from your pos app is encrypted from end to end.
. Customizable TUI : Serve customers better with a customized Pin Pad that fits your application and is secured with Trusted UI (TUI).
. Attestation : Verify the integrity of your devices via Knox attestation server, to ensure POS devices have not been rooted or are running unofficial firmware.

Payment APP Developers can save time and effort for development with Knox mPOS Enabler.

This is a SDK for payment application developers, not payment application for end users.

User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • Cannot uninstall or disable the app easily
    • Causes phone performance issues (overheating, battery drain)
    • Pre-installed on devices without user consent
    • Perceived as corporate bloatware or spyware
    • Users report feeling monitored or hacked
    Most mentioned
    • App appears installed without user consent
    • Users cannot control app settings or permissions
    • Multiple reports of hacking or security concerns
    • Users express frustration over lack of support from Samsung or Google
    • Negative impact on phone performance
    User reviews
    by Anonymous, Invalid Date

    I believe this app is watching everything and controlling my phone.. I was hacked 5 years ago. And everything s controlled by something still. My phone is a private phone, bought from a phone company brand new...I do not have a business, or work for anyone, nor am I in school. I've gotten pop-ups telling me I cannot do make changes and I have to go to my IT Admin to make these changes (many things are grayed out- permissions as an example that shouldn't be) i can't delete the app.
    by Phyllis, 2025-01-04

    C'mon sam and goog. You can do better than this! Doesnt it make much more sense, if someone needed 2 use their phone as a POS, that they can choose 2 DL this app, instead of forcing it on the majority? Does to me! What percentage of users even need this? Not much I bet! This is trash. At least make it uninstallable for Pete's sake! Like wt actual f?!?! 🤬
    by An Ma, 2025-01-04
    View all user reviews