
Create & share photos, stories, & reels with friends you love

Instagram - Share Moments & Discover Content

"Instagram" is a social media app that allows users to create and share photos, stories, and short videos. Connect with friends, explore interests, and discover new content through personalized feeds. Features include disappearing stories, group chats, and shopping from brands and small businesses. Through engaging video content and exclusive filters, Instagram helps users turn everyday moments into shareable experiences while fostering friendships and community engagement.
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App stats

By: Instagram
Version: 366. (Last updated: 2025-02-10)
Version code: 377010124
Creation date: 2012-04-03
  • .permission.RECEIVE_ADM_MESSAGE
  • android.permission.ACCESS_ADSERVICES_AD_ID
  • android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION
  • android.permission.ACCESS_MEDIA_LOCATION
  • android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
  • android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE
  • android.permission.ANSWER_PHONE_CALLS
  • android.permission.AUTHENTICATE_ACCOUNTS
  • android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN
  • See more
Size: 78.36M

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App summary

Little moments lead to big friendships. Share yours on Instagram.
—From Meta

Connect with friends, find other fans, and see what people around you are up to and into. Explore your interests and post what's going on, from your daily moments to life's highlights.

Share what you’re up to and into on Insta®.
- Keep up with friends on the fly with Stories and Notes that disappear after 24 hours.
- Start group chats and share unfiltered moments with your Close Friends.
- Share memories from recent events or trips in Feed.
- Turn your life into a movie and discover short, entertaining videos on Instagram with Reels.
- Customize your posts with exclusive templates, music, stickers and filters.

Dive into your interests.
- Watch videos from your favorite Creators and discover new content that’s personalized to your interests.
- Get inspired by photos and videos from new accounts in Explore.
- Discover brands and small businesses, and shop products that are relevant to your personal style.

Some Instagram features may not be available in your country or region.

Terms and Policies -

Consumer Health Privacy Policy:

Learn how we're working to help keep our communities safe across Meta technologies at the Instagram Safety Center:

User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • Inability to post multiple pictures in portrait mode without cropping issues
    • Frequent app crashes and bugs when editing or posting
    • Complicated and counterintuitive editing interface
    • Unwanted notifications that cannot be turned off
    • Inconsistent performance across different users and devices
    Most mentioned
    • Bugs with the photo editing and posting features
    • Inability to post multiple photos correctly
    • Issues with the notifications system
    • Frustration with the new interface design
    • Problems with the app crashing or freezing
    User reviews
    by Anonymous, Invalid Date

    Ive been unable to make a multiple photo post without the crop of the photos resetting to the standard square each time for at least a month now. I've also never been able to post more than 10 photos at a time while the rest of the app was bumped to 20 max images in a post. Guess it doesn't matter too much when i can't select more tjan 2 images before the app bugs out anyway. Best part is you need to pay for verification to be able to talk to anyone for support! Terrible app/site these days.
    by Allison, 2025-01-11

    this app is complete 🐶💩 now, especially after the most recent update. i have no idea what they were thinking by changing the ui for editing your posts, but you can't. at all. even IF it worked right (it doesn't) then it's still hideous and counterintuitive. too roundabout, when you try to pull up an edit feature like brightness, when you're done adjusting it it would go back out to the main menu and you would have to click edit again in order to get to, say, contrast now. please just go back!
    by Lamborghini Lean, 2025-01-06
    View all user reviews