Voice Access

Provides accessibility by voice for hands-free mobile computing.

Voice Access - Hands-Free Mobile Accessibility

"Voice Access" is an Android app designed to assist users with motor impairments by allowing hands-free interactions through voice commands for navigation, control, and text editing. It includes features like basic navigation commands, screen controls, and dictation, making it easier for individuals with difficulties manipulating a touch screen to use their device effectively. The app also offers a tutorial and can be activated via Google Assistant.
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App stats

Version: 6.4.715826068 (Last updated: 2025-01-30)
Version code: 90174
Creation date: 2018-09-25
  • android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
  • android.permission.ACCESS_NOTIFICATION_POLICY
  • android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE
  • android.permission.BLUETOOTH
  • android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN
  • android.permission.CALL_PHONE
  • android.permission.CAMERA
  • android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE
  • android.permission.GET_PACKAGE_SIZE
  • android.permission.INTERNET
  • See more
Size: 53.71M

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App summary

Voice Access helps anyone who has difficulty manipulating a touch screen (e.g. due to paralysis, tremor, or temporary injury) use their Android device by voice.

Voice Access provides many voice commands for:
- Basic navigation (e.g. "go back", "go home", "open Gmail")
- Controlling the current screen (e.g. "tap next", "scroll down")
- Text editing and dictation (e.g. "type hello", "replace coffee with tea")

You can also say "Help" any time to see a short list of commands.

Voice Access includes a tutorial which introduces the most common voice commands (starting Voice Access, tapping, scrolling, basic text editing, and getting help).

You can use the Google Assistant to start Voice Access by saying "Hey Google, Voice Access". To do this, you’ll need to enable "Hey Google" detection. You can also tap either the Voice Access notification or a blue Voice Access button and start talking.

To pause Voice Access temporarily, just say "stop listening". To disable Voice Access completely, go to Settings > Accessibility > Voice Access and turn off the switch.

For additional support, see Voice Access help.

This app uses the AccessibilityService API to help users with motor impairments. It uses the API to collect information about the controls on the screen and activate them based on the user’s spoken instructions.

User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Useful for hands-free usage, especially for individuals with mobility issues
  • Voice control features allow for text dictation and command execution
  • Can be convenient for urgent messaging while driving
  • Highly buggy and prone to crashes, often stopping unexpectedly
  • Inaccurate voice recognition, misinterpreting commands and dictation
  • Interference with other apps and functionalities, such as media playback and Google Assistant
  • Persistent auto-popup notifications interrupting the user experience
  • Difficulty in controlling the app when background noise is present, resulting in loss of command recognition
Most mentioned
  • App is buggy and crashes frequently
  • Voice recognition is poor and often misunderstands commands
  • Interferes with other audio apps and features, causing frustration
  • Persistent and intrusive notifications that disrupt usage
  • Difficulties arise when attempting to dictate or control the app in noisy environments
User reviews
by Anonymous, Invalid Date

I do NOT recommend this app. This app is horrible. No matter where the icon was at on my screen it was ALWAYS in the way of whatever I was trying to do. And ît didn't work good at all. It also makes my phone start acting weird. People calling couldn't get thru and I couldn't dial out and I would have to send my text msgs 5-10 times before they would actually send.
by Nikki Jantzen-Graham, 2025-01-09

Even as I tried to use the the talk to text option here, it doesn't work and changes words erratically on the Pixel 8. I was using it on an older OnePlus 7 and it was good, not perfect, but I definitely am not dealing with the bugs that I'm dealing with on the Pixel 8 which is supposed to support the Google features better. Switched to a different talk to text app. Google needs to be more proactive and responsive to the issues that people are writing on.
by Alex Farrar, 2024-11-16
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