Shopping List

Shopping List with sharing capability and vocal input

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3.57 (Rating count: 112)
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Recent rating average: 1.50
All time rating average: 3.57

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Date Author Rating Comment
Americo Castellanos
App loosing shopping list data when I select sort feature. After entering 109 shopping items, which took me a very long time, when I selected sorting in different modes, all of the sudden I was down to 24 items Needs to be able to back up and restore data. Simple items like potato chips, nachos, etc. not be available and no pictures for items not available. Maybe have a "?" Picture to use for me these items. Cannot bring the quantity to "0". Once I buy all that I need, I want to show "0".
A Google user
My lists and products start disappearing?! What did you do? :-(
A Google user
Need to be able to edit categories! Not every1 shops same! And need to be able to edit or add images..then it'd be great
A Google user
Cannot add /edit categories. Can sometimes add multiple items by voice using the word AND between items. Sometimes it messes up, EG "add tomatoes and cherry tomatoes" results in an item Tomatoes and a note in the item Cherry tomatoes.
A Google user
uninstalled. very unfriendly user interface. tried to add items but with no joy.
A Google user
Guess I shop differently from everyone else. Can't find way to add categories. Sorry if I missed it otherwise sorry this app doesn't cut it