US Legal Forms

Get quick access to an online library of law documents and legal forms templates

US Legal Forms

App stats

Version: 1.0.0 (Last updated: 2024-11-22)
Creation date: 2023-03-20
  • view network connections
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  • run at startup
  • prevent device from sleeping
  • read Google service configuration


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App summary

US Legal Forms – 85,000 legal forms in your pocket

Access an online library of more than 85,000 state-specific legal forms and form packages from your phone or tablet. Whether you're an individual, small business owner, or legal professional, the US Legal Forms mobile app empowers you to manage your legal documents and templates even on the go.

Massive Library of Legal Forms

US Legal Forms provides a vast catalog of accurate and up-to-date law documents and legal templates covering a wide range of areas, including:

Real estate
Use templates for leases, sales contracts, bills of sale, and real estate agreements to handle property transactions with confidence.

Estate planning
Secure your future and legacy with comprehensive templates for trusts, wills, healthcare directives, and powers of attorney.

Business forms
Simplify business operations with NDAs, contracts, vendor agreements, corporate forms, incorporation docs, and more.

Family law
Navigate personal matters with forms for wills, divorce, adoption, premarital agreements, etc.

Other areas of law
For lawyers looking to enhance their practice, the online library offers civil actions, legal notices, arbitration agreements, affidavits, and other templates.

`Features and Functionality

Browse and search
Effortlessly navigate the online library by category and state, or use the search tool to find the exact form you need. Each form comes with a detailed description to ensure you select the right document for your situation.

Download and save
Once you’ve found the necessary form, download it to your device in PDF, DOCX, or RTF format. You can also save your favorite PDF forms to the cloud for quick access, ensuring that your critical documents and templates are always within reach.

Print and share
Print forms directly from the app or send them to others via email or other channels.

Who is US Legal Forms for?
Lawyers and attorneys
Use ready-to-use templates to save time on drafting and revising legal documents.

Take personal legal matters into your own hands. Whether drafting a will, completing a lease, or filing a name change, the online library offers forms for every milestone of your life.

Protect your business with precise, legally sound documents created in accordance with your state's rules and legal terms.

Why US Legal Forms?
For over 25 years, US Legal Forms has provided templates for various legal cases across the USA. More than 3 million users have benefited from the service.

Ready to get started with US Legal Forms? Select a plan that fits your needs.
Terms of use:
Your feedback matters. Please email us at [email protected]

User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Helpful for quick legal documents
  • Wide range of beneficial forms
  • User-friendly with good templates
  • Free to use
  • Limited content in the library
  • Forms may be incomplete
  • Some users found the app not what they needed
Most mentioned
  • Beneficial forms and templates
  • Limited content
  • Helpfulness of the app for legal needs
User reviews
not that great
by Kevin Buck Nichols, 2024-08-22

I love this app and the information and templates.
by Desire Hennessey, 2024-07-30

Excellent Product !
by Joseph Smith, 2024-06-21
View all user reviews

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