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LokiCraft - Build, Survive, and Explore

"LokiCraft" is an exciting Android game that lets you build and destroy blocks, gather resources, and create tools and weapons for survival. Choose between Creative and Survival modes, explore vast landscapes, fight monsters, and construct anything you can imagine. With over a hundred blocks and items available, you can craft homes, castles, and more while managing hunger and fending off hostile mobs. Experience endless fun in a captivating world entirely for free!
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By: akseno2
Version: Lokicraft.1.52 (Last updated: 2023-10-19)
Version code: 25004
Creation date: 2019-04-26
  • android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
  • android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE
  • android.permission.AUTHENTICATE_ACCOUNTS
  • android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_MULTICAST_STATE
  • android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE
  • android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS
  • android.permission.INTERNET
  • android.permission.MANAGE_ACCOUNTS
  • android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS
  • android.permission.READ_MEDIA_IMAGES
  • See more
Size: 303.37M


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App summary


Build and Destroy Blocks. Get Resources and Create various Tools, Blocks and Weapons with which you can survive and build unique Buildings.
Choose your path in this world - the Builder (Creative mode) or the Ruthless Hunter who will do everything to survive (Survival mode)!

~ Be on the alert, in this world there are not only many peaceful animals, but also a huge number of MONSTERS! Fight with them, and you will receive valuable resources as a reward!

~ Explore the world, Swim across the seas to discover new lands and get resources - the world is almost limitless.

~ Build various structures - houses, castles, farms, cities ... You can build whatever you want. The game has more than a hundred blocks and various items available.

~ If you decide to survive, you will have to monitor hunger and eat on time. Look for food, grow crops or kill mobs for Meat!

~ Build your House to hide from the Monsters, and then you will definitely survive the Night! After all, they will come for you ... Zombies, Huge Spiders and other hostile mobs.

Actions in this world are limited only by your imagination! The game does not require any skills - you can figure it out in the first minutes of the game. In our game you are always and everywhere, you can have a good time.

And it is absolutely FREE!

User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fun and enjoyable gameplay similar to Minecraft
  • Good graphics and textures that are appealing to users
  • Creative building features and aspects
  • Regular updates that improve the game
  • Free to play alternative to Minecraft
  • Excessive ads that disrupt the gameplay experience
  • Frequent crashes and freezing issues
  • Limited blocks and features compared to the original Minecraft
  • Gameplay can be interrupted by ads even while paused
  • Glitches that cause unintended gameplay issues
Most mentioned
  • Too many ads
  • Game crashes and freezing
  • Good graphics and gameplay
  • Needs more features or blocks
  • Limited control and bugs
User reviews
I love this game I have been playing it since 2022-2025 and its amazing even though I get a lot of ads after 2-3 minutes I turn off my Wi-Fi to have more access without ads but if I do that I get ads every 4-5 minutes though I really love the update you added!! The old version was quite boring but this whole update is fire🔥🔥keep up the good work!!
by Lazy Wolf, 2025-01-23

The graphics looks prerty nice, quiet similar to the real minecraft but it is simplified and looks more cartoonish. It is also updated, it has the "chambers" thingy but the cherry blossom's texture is ugly. The search thing(to find items) is not functioning. AND THERE'S TOO MANY ADSSSS. I GET THEM ABOUT EVERY 5-10 SECONDS, THAT I SPENT MORE TIME WATCHING ADS THAN ACTUALLY PLAYING. But don't get me wrong, the game is good/alright, but please lessen the ads, and lags. Thanks for reading!! :D
by Ben Salazar, 2024-12-08

It's good. I like how graphics are similar to the original version but the problem is, There are too many ads! It's disturbing my gameplay every now and then also , it has limited blocks which severely affects my crafts. The bugs after ads are horrible! Sometimes, it justs start breaking blocks and starts adding up blocks without any control and I have to restart my game again in this situation. I've been playing this game for atleast 2 years but it doesn't have seem to show improvements.
by Krutika Surendra, 2024-03-10
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