Calculates percentages! Comes with a very clean and easy-to-use interface.
Basic Percentage Calculator - Easy Percentages Made Simple
"Basic Percentage Calculator" is a simple and effective tool for calculating percentages in three different ways. With its intuitive design, this app is user-friendly and ensures a hassle-free experience. Enjoy a clean interface that enhances usability, all while being completely ad-free! Perfect for anyone seeking to perform percentage calculations without distractions or confusion.
App stats
Rating: 4.58
Creation date: 2018-02-18
Email: co*****
URLs: Website ,Privacy policy
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App summary
A basic tool that allows the user to calculate percentages in three different ways. This percentage calculator is user friendly and comes with a clean interface. Completely ad-free!
User reviews
- Fast and accurate
- Easy to use
- No ads
- Simple and clean interface
- Extremely useful for basic percentage calculations
- Lacks a clear button for resetting calculations
- Scrolling is not intuitive for switching between calculators
- Limited decimal precision for calculations
Most mentioned
- Easy to use
- No ads
- Need for a clear button
- Desire for better navigation between calculators
- Limited accuracy with decimal places
User reviews
Fast , accurate and very helpful when you are on a right budget
They fixed the issue now. Old review - The message 'Scroll down for more features' keeps on showing up every time I open the app. I have to wait till it disappeared every time I opened the app before I can enter a number 5 or number 6.
Great little app. Simple and Works good. Just needs a " clear " button!