USB Backup

Backup, restore and export your personal data on a USB storage device.

USB Backup - Secure Data Backup & Restore

"USB Backup" is an Android application that allows users to back up, restore, and export personal data, such as images, videos, and documents, to a USB storage device using an OTG cable. The app offers features like automatic backups, notifications for backup reminders, and profile creation for seamless data increment when connected to TV. It alleviates privacy concerns and saves on data costs associated with cloud storage, providing an efficient way to manage your data securely.
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App summary

USB Backup Application allows users to take back-up of phone and import/export phone contents like Images/videos/Audio/Documents) on a USB Device which is connected via an OTG Cable.
Application gives option to select folder level and individual files Images, Videos, Audio's, Documents files to take back up / Import / Export.
Application mitigate worries about privacy issue and data cost incurred on each back up on cloud storage.

Turn ON/OFF settings for features,
1. Auto back up ON,such that next time when ever familiar USB got connected via OTG cable back up will start automatically without user intervention.
2. Notifications ON when more than one month has passed since the last backup.
3. Notifications ON prompt to backup to your device when available space in your internal storage is too low.
4.USB backup allows the user to create profile in TV and mobile so that whenever the user comes into proximity of TV incremental data(images,videos) will be backed up.

User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Some users found the app useful for backing up data.
  • Positive feedback regarding the app's functionality with Samsung Smart LED TVs.
  • The app is not functioning properly on multiple Samsung devices after software updates.
  • Issues with detecting USB connections and OTG functionality.
  • User difficulties in getting support or contact with developers.
Most mentioned
  • Not working after device or app updates.
  • OTG functionality not functioning on various Samsung models.
  • Inability to recognize USB connected devices.
User reviews
by Anonymous, Invalid Date

Very nice and warm up for the first time in the rest of us to get the rest of the
by Very Good, 2023-08-24

After updated phone it is not working plz suggest me what can I do
by Feroz Qureshi, 2023-04-19
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