OLX: Compras Online e Vendas

Start the year with a little money in your pocket. Let go at OLX!

Total ratings

4.21 (Rating count: 2,082,174)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Useful for buying and selling a variety of items.
  • Good platform for making extra money by selling old items.
  • Convenient for finding local offers.
  • Terrible optimization leads to slow performance and app crashes.
  • Excessive ads disrupt user experience and make the app buggy.
  • Frequent login and account issues, including losing account access.
Most mentioned
  • App is slow and unoptimized.
  • There are too many ads, including competitors' ads.
  • Users face significant technical issues, such as crashes and inability to access messages.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.00
All time rating average: 4.21
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48% (11)
Date Author Rating Comment
Marcelo Pereira (kaomasB)
This is the way to budget with your old stuff!
Edilson Cichon
Terrible! Ads for user were a bad ideia!
marcelo pereira
1/27/24 you made a bad app worse. Congratulations. R.R: optimization. Can't use 5 minutes without the app stop to load pictures. And I'm not using a bad phone and internet
João Pedro
this app is very good! I have bought, and sold a lot of items there!
Yana Lathembo
Credit card payment doesn't work. Facial recognition is used for verification, but there are 2 problems: 1. It is useless, it doesn't allow payment. 2. Even if it did, you don't know my face. Or do you?
Adler C. S
Complete garbage and bureaucratic app. I hate having to give personal information and my ID after every two actions I make on this app.
Thiago Franco Carneiro
Terrible optimization, useless app. I can't even log in my account, and it's not a problem with my internet or phone.
Johann victor
The app is EXTREMELY unoptimized. If you scroll far enough on a search, your phone will start to heat up and the app will empty your RAM... It went as far as consuming 5gb of ram from my 8gb phone. Absolutely ridiculous! I'd also like to see a better search function
justt hink
I want to like the app but there's to many ads and it's making the app run buggy and the experience is becoming unbearable
john baker
Permanently blocked me out from logging in. Won't send verification code to my email "unexpected error occurred" message received. Multiple attempts. I give up. Forget it.
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