Storage Saver

Automatic cleaning of phone storage to optimize device storage and performance.

Storage Saver - Optimize Your Phone Storage

"Storage Saver" is an Android app that optimizes device storage by automatically cleaning unnecessary files, removing duplicates, and redirecting media to SD cards. With features like periodic deletion of cache and log files, zipping unused apps, and efficiently managing social media content, it ensures your device runs smoothly without compromising user experience.
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App summary

1.S Clean:
Create available space on your phone by automatically periodic deleting useless data. No user data will be deleted.
Identifying background processes/Services responsible for CPU hogging& excess memory usage

The data below will be automatically deleted according to the schedule you set.
Unnecessary files
Cache files
Log files
Unnecessary folders

2. Duplicate Remover:
Auto recognize & prompt removal of unnecessary duplicate content. Current days duplicate images are not included for removal to avoid unnecessary scanning of files every time picture is clicked or saved.

3. S Zip
Zip apps to optimize storage. Background Services for Unused Apps. User will not receive any notification from zipped apps. zipped apps can be restored with user data by unzipping from zipped folder or zipped apps list.

4. Move to SD card

Redirects the social messenger application's media content from device Internal Storage to External SD card for coming out of device storage scarcity without hampering user experience.

User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Helps to zip apps to save storage space
  • Cleans up cache and unwanted data automatically
  • Notifies about apps running in the background
  • Cannot unzip apps once zipped
  • Causes performance issues and crashes
  • Automatically installs without user consent
  • Annoying notifications about duplicate files
  • Preinstalled with no option to uninstall
Most mentioned
  • Issues with unzipping apps
  • Performance slowdown and crashing
  • Unauthorized installation and control over apps
  • Annoying notifications and inability to disable or uninstall
User reviews
by Anonymous, Invalid Date

This app is now trying it's best to forcefully install it self and again all my photos in sd card has got deleted without my permission. Common Samsung what is going on. Very irresponsible. Please do something. Looks like there is a big bug in your system.
by Ajmeer Doll, 2024-12-26

Most dangerous app in the world. I dont know how or who installed it. I never did. Beware of this app. It automatically got installed or did some one installed it remotly. It started to take controle of my whole phone and dominatingly fot all access to all my apps and started to delete all my files in the phone with out my permition. Luckly i detected it. My phone got so slow. This app startes to spy on all my apps in cluding emails, calls all history. BE CAREFUL.
by Ajmeer Doll, 2024-11-21
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