Tank Stars

Ready, aim, shoot! Command pocket war machines & win multiplayer tank io battles

Total ratings

4.72 (Rating count: 2,622,782)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fun and engaging gameplay with a variety of tanks and weapons.
  • Can be played offline without requiring a constant data connection.
  • Overall enjoyable experience for players, especially younger audiences.
  • Bots provide a decent level of challenge and randomness in gameplay.
  • Excessive ads, including mid-game interruptions, which diminish the overall experience.
  • Glitches related to aiming and shooting mechanics, leading to frustrated players.
  • Lack of a save function for progress and purchases, making it hard to recover lost accounts.
  • Difficulty in fair matchmaking in PvP, with players often facing others with maxed-out vehicles.
Most mentioned
  • Too many ads, especially mid-match and during gameplay.
  • Bugs and glitches that affect gameplay, particularly with shooting and aiming mechanics.
  • Need for improved customer support and account recovery options.
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Recent rating average: 2.40
All time rating average: 4.72
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Date Author Rating Comment
Frustrating ads unless you pay $4 and pvp keeps saying no internet. So having an ad in the middle of a mission and on idle screen is not frustrating to you and your purchase option keeps popping up to pay $3.99 for no ads, really. Just remove forced ads, there are enough chest and card ads, and purchases to support you, keep the game fun without pressuring people to pay $4 after a few levels, just because they liked the game.
Get rid of the lower screen banner ad. It's annoying, and we all know it's intentionally predatory to get people to misclick on it. I'll give my actual review if you do. Update: the other optional ads I don't have an issue with, but placing a banner on the area where people are bound to misclick is annoying and predatory. Update: Dev are using bots for reviews.
Aaron Grayson
EDIT: Lowering to 1 star. Game had an update and reset all progress and won't redeem purchases. It seems others have had this issue and it isn't resolved. Solid, fun, and perfectly playable without paying. I got a lot of fun so far to happily pay a few bucks for no ads. Edit: Reduced to 3 stars due to PvP. The Frost tank has annoying attacks that stick you in place. Makes the game dominated by those tanks, and reduces variety in strategy. Affects enjoyment of the game.
Iann Mendoza
I mean like, it's a good game and all, but for some reason sometimes when I try to aim my camera just glitches, and when I shoot it shoots on the whole other opposite direction. Good game, but I feel like the only bugs there are are the worst ones. Edit: I have no idea where the support options are ._. Edit 2: I messed up big time, I tried to download some mods, but Instead ended up losing my atomic and T34, I think a save function should be implemented :'(
Jonathan Epperson (Jon)
Fun gameplay, that you can play offline/no data. (but no bonus vids offline) There are some real, some fantasy, harmless cartoon tanks, suitable for adults & older kid. There are some ads, but when you pay the 3.99, the forced ads actually go away! Not like some games~you all know what I mean. Highly recommended by me for many ages. I've lost an account but started over with no hesitation, because you don't need money, WiFi or data, just to play. Five stars, with no prompting from game devs. ✌🏻
Kaleb Diaz
It's fun & engaging. The bots aren't repetitive and the difficulty ranges & is completely random. Even in the first levels the bots land hits if you don't dial in f ast enough to finish them, and to make it more challenging yours & the bots positions can change so you'll have to get used to changing angle and aim power on the fly. Overall a very decent & enjoyable game, definetly worth the download.
To add to another person's review, when shooting, usually just your first round, (it's happened 2 times in a row for me before) the aimer flicks to behind you. Wasting that round, and making matches longer. EDIT: there is a roundbreaking glitch, where the premium tank shoots a shotgun-railgun like shot against my cold tank, and when it ricochets off my tank, it breaks the round. It has happened multiple times, I'll try to trouble shoot , but plz fix if it doesn't work, this is a major bug.
Cole Happ
Ad-filled hellscape for sure. Some amount of ads is understandable but ads MID-ROUND while still having a popup ad at the bottom of the match is straight up predatory. Update for developer response: i used to play the game back when it was new, the ads were managable and the game was enjoyable. I tried to stick with the game because i used to love it- today i was in a match and was interuppted by FOUR ads. Unreasonable, uninstalling.
Liam Moggan
Fun game, great variety in tanks and weapons, AI is fun to fight against, this was close to being 5 stars, but the sheer amount of ads pull away from the gameplay, one before the game starts, and then every couple of turns pulls away from the gameplay. Also if I'm defeated in the game and don't want to watch an ad to revive, I shouldn't have to watch an ad the second the game ends, and they're not even a second of seconds, these ads last minutes...
Long Time Walker
Too many ads! Even in the middle of the match you get interrupted several times with adds. This game used to be really fun to play long time ago but not anymore, they got too greedy. UPDATE: I understand that growing is the goal of every company, that being said, having ads on every single section of the overall game is too much. As an advise, I would toned it down a little bit with the ads.
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