Hero Wars: Alliance

Fantasy RPG: Collect epic heroes, win arena battles, be a legend in idle wars!

Total ratings

4.59 (Rating count: 1,632,318)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fun gameplay at first
  • Variety of heroes and content
  • Decent graphics and style
  • Frequent ads, often misleading and excessively long
  • Game crashes and technical issues
  • Pay-to-win mechanics with frustrating progression issues
  • Repetitive gameplay and grind-heavy elements
  • Confusing tutorial and lack of user support
Most mentioned
  • Misleading advertisements about gameplay
  • Frequent crashing and technical problems
  • Heavy paywalls and monetization issues
  • Repetitive gameplay mechanics
  • Difficult character progression
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.90
All time rating average: 4.59
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Date Author Rating Comment
Ernest Perkins
I hope I will be able to change my rating when the ads get fixed but today it is simply unacceptable. The ads are so bad I have to rate the game that allows these type of ads to exploit the customers. It was bad enough that after I click the x after the countdown there's additional time but today all the ads were 60 seconds long. Please don't allow thisnto happen.
David Grauman
Game is kind of fun. But nothing like advertised. It's totally different. I like the idea of the ads. I like the actual game except the mini games figuring out what sequence to pull pins (not my thing). Grinding to get equipment to level up heroes... been there done that. Not enough energy, and I hate energy requirements for games. I've sent message about an issue already. Not a good start. Reply: Sent a message. Also deleted the game due to technical problems with it.
It's a fun game at first, but it can be redundant, which makes it dull. It obviously is a cash grabbing game to ug heroes along the way, but that's most games anyway. I hate the new update to the tower, besides the new tower acting as an elevator. It was easy to reach the top, but now it's difficult. The extra powers are useless. I'm not spending hella money on this 😒
Wayne Nolan
It's a decent game. Whatever you were advertised is not what you're going to get. It showed up as a playable ad. I enjoyed the playable ad. Downloaded it and it's completely different. Overall a fun game but you go from being a beast one match to getting completely annihilated the next match. Game changes from the start and you never see play like the beginning of the game or the style advertised after starting.
Brendan Vandergraff
Game crashes all the time. I gave it 5 stars early on but, after playing for a few months, I've changed to 2 stars. I'm not going to continue playing a game that I have to constantly reload. It's also a "free game" that you end up having to pay to get anywhere in a reasonable amount of time. So sad it's pathetic. Devs need not reply. Your replies are empty and meaningless. The ads are lies. Do better. I have deleted the game after wasting my time with it. Playstation here I come.
Shawn Kerley
It's such a money grab I have played different similar games and it takes too long to built characters up in this game, too many different modes will take you about 2 hours of game play daily to complete everything for what? There really isn't any strategy you just auto everything. There is tons of optional videos to watch for small rewards. Idk wish I never started to play it, will probably drop it soon, it's nothing like the ads you see for the game shocker I know. I recommend don't start it.
Ryan E.
The game starts out pretty cool, but the amount of gold it takes to upgrade your troops vs. the amount of gold you get is lacking. There's a lot of content but no real explanation of what the content is or what to do. The pairing for arena is definitely not skills based when they pair a beginner with less than 40k to people who have 500k+ to over a million power.
Daniel Grace
It's lame. It starts off as a cool playable game, then evolves into a completely different game play that is mostly repetitive, boring clicking. I made it through all 50 levels of the tower. What's next? It restarts the next day, the exact same, but no challenge. Once you get slightly higher levels, your rewards are barely enough to upgrade anything or advance on the game. Same thing every day, get all the clicks in, upgrade a little, then wait for the next day...
jay t
Absolute POS of a game. Constantly crashing and closing itself out. Virtually predictable crashes, I have multiple screen records. Not worth it. There is NO link to the in-game Customer support. Can't even open the game anymore, it instantly crashes. How the hell does this have a 4.6 rating??
William Opara
Very fun game. Once you hit the late 30s, leveling up becomes MUCH harder. Hopefully, there's more of a balance without it being purely pay to play. EDIT: I have used support chat multiple times to address glitches/malfunctions about rewards and NOBODY gets back to me. I have VIP Chat response, yet it hasn't mattered. I'm missing a lot of purchased skins in the Giftsmas event most recently. Can this be rectified? EDIT2X: I like the game but support has never gotten back to me.
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