Smart Connect Video

Transform your camera, enhance your creativity

Smart Connect Video - Enhance Your Creativity

"Smart Connect Video" is an app that enables Motorola smartphone users to turn their device into a high-quality webcam and a creative content production tool. It offers features like subject tracking, video masking, and access to multiple camera lenses for webcam use, along with a Creator Toolkit for applying customizable effects directly in social media apps. Enhance your creativity and improve video calls with this versatile application.
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App stats

Version: (Last updated: 2024-08-12)
Creation date: 2021-03-10


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App summary

Smart Connect Video powers multiple camera experiences on your Motorola smartphone. Use your phone as a versatile webcam, perfect for high quality video calls. Or dive into the Creator Toolkit for customizable camera effects to enhance social media creativity.

Webcam features:
•Use your phone as a high-quality webcam, either via Smart Connect or using a USB cable connection
•Subject tracking ensures your face is always centered in frame, with customizable sensitivity settings
•Video masking features such as Smart loop and Freeze frame enable you to maintain privacy during video calls
•Leverage your phone’s multiple cameras, like telephoto and ultra-wide lenses

Creator Toolkit features:
•Produce your best content by using camera effects directly within social media apps
•Easily apply special effects with Creator Toolkit while using your camera in social media apps
•Make your content pop by switching or blurring backgrounds, video looping, and more

For Motorola camera features to work as they should, avoid disabling or uninstalling this app. Some features are only supported on compatible Motorola devices.

User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • Cannot uninstall or remove the app from the device
    • App is reported to be incompatible with users' devices but cannot be removed
    • App appears to be pre-installed or auto-installed without user consent
    • Constant notifications from the app that cannot be cleared
    • Reports of privacy concerns and suspicion of the app being spyware
    Most mentioned
    • Incompatibility with devices
    • Cannot uninstall the app
    • Forced installation on devices without user consent
    • Constant and intrusive notifications
    • Privacy concerns related to app functionality
    User reviews
    This is dumb this is a factory installed app that is no longer compatible with this device and it can't be removed or uninstalled so it gets to waste data and storage space and I can't do anything about it, CRAZY
    by F Ma, 2024-12-20

    STOP forcing junk that isn't always wanted by the people who keeps your coming. It's okay to recommend but to blink & see something else "new" forced on me with my phone's update again. Because that, I find using it is less and less appealing and absolutely can not stand to pick it up anymore. We already pay stupid high prices with virtually no memory and then all the useless forced JUNK takes up that little bit of memory in 'em. Please find a way to make us want to use the apps that fit needs?.
    by Jennifer Bradley, 2024-12-17

    App appeared on device and immediately says it isn't compatible with my device, no option to uninstall either, doesn't even show up in settings, but shows up in Play Store.
    by Nicolas Hanes, 2024-10-29
    View all user reviews