Flip Diving

Trick cliff dive backflips, stunts & doubles! Unparalleled real physics!

Total ratings

4.42 (Rating count: 953,248)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fun and entertaining gameplay
  • Multiple characters, locations, and flips to unlock
  • Works offline, making it accessible anytime
  • Good graphics and physics
  • Can be enjoyed with friends in multiplayer mode
  • Excessive and interruptive ads
  • No option to purchase ad removal
  • Some gameplay mechanics are buggy or inconsistent
  • Lack of new content or unlockables after reaching a certain point
  • Audio lag issues reported
Most mentioned
  • Too many ads
  • Fun gameplay
  • Good graphics
  • Desire for more unlockables and content
  • Gameplay mechanics issues
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.30
All time rating average: 4.42
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37% (10)
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Date Author Rating Comment
I really appreciate the forced spam ads. This is used to be a fun game but now it's just a money grab for money hungry devs
Christian Swan
It might be difficult but trust me you're going to like it and you're going to get to it thanks for the game the game is very good even you're flipping other game
Danylo Sushchenko
Literally, there are too many ads. They make you earn coins for literally everything. Would not recommend
Rinacio Machava
I like this game I play it with my brother and I like it when my brother and I land in a funny way on the rock's Yahh
Theresa Montes
Good and kinda fun but just way to much ads and the border gets super small on round 2, generally, overall pretty good game.
Alivia Rockwell
It's a good game. I used to play it all the time as a kid and redownloaded it for the memories. It's very fun and entertaining to play when waiting or just for fun. The only complaint I have is with divers like the surfer and basketball player, on the light house, second jump, I keep getting 4 flips and land head first which should be a 4.5, but it keeps saying 4. Other than that, it's a pretty good game.(Now that I've unlocked more, it seems that it happens with any place/person after 4 flips)
Matthew Wallace
Games good I guess but half the stuff is broke. Half the flips haven't actually been made for example the backflip Xout is just a normal backflip instead multiple are like this
Carl Thomason
Hi 3... 2... 1... Can you please 3... 2... 1... Remove ads that 3... 2... 1... Have additional waits to 3... 2... 1... Clear before you can 3... 2... 1... Continue playing, it's 3... 2... 1... Annoying 😂
Kanarri Whitfield
I LOVE the game the only bad thing is when I'm in Freeplay it forces an add on me every couple minutes, other than that it's a good game.
I just love it.....you don't need wifi for it too it's really fun when you get the hang of it. 🏊🏾‍♀️
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