Busy Hospital

CURE patients in the COZY small HOSPITAL

Busy Hospital: Manage Your Own Medical Center

"Busy Hospital" is an immersive Android app that puts you in charge of a cozy hospital. Unlock new medicine centers, expand your facilities, and reduce patient queues as you strive to become a successful hospital tycoon. Manage resources, cure patients, and grow your hospital into a bustling medical hub while providing the best care. Experience the challenges and rewards of hospital management in this engaging and strategic game.
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App stats

Rating: 2.86
Version: 1.3 (Last updated: 2023-08-23)
Creation date: 2023-08-16
  • view network connections
  • full network access
  • run at startup
  • control vibration
  • prevent device from sleeping


Other platforms

Busy Bee Flower (v1.4)
4.11 (28) 169
Not available on Firefox
Not available on Edge
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App summary

UNLOCK a new medicine center to accommodate more patients
EXPAND to reduce patient queues
Become a hospital TYCOON manager

User reviews

It would be a amazing game if it didn't glitch out when u add another table to the game. It starts to not allow you to add another to the second table and then when you reload the game it doesn't allow you to add anything to the tables at all. Please fix it. It would be such a good game.
by Kaitlyn Furnell, 2024-09-05

ডেড টটটটরটরটটটতডতুএএগতততডরীূীুিুরীটটএীএরগরতীহতগরগগডতীতটগুুগততগগততগগহহগডতততগটটততগএতততগগগগহুটরডহহগএটতএএগগএুএতএডতগটররটটটটহএরহটরটএটরটএএটরটগএগতটটটএএুুএএএএএএএএএএটটগহহসসএতডটীীডতগহজলওরটগটগটরতটরতটততটটটটএটএএটটএরীটতগটটতররতএটএএএরতগটটএরটটটটরটউএরগগএটটগরটরতটররটীরটররররররএএএটটএএটটরটটটীটগগুিহততগগগগতটততহহহহগগতততগজজওওকপলডতওএীডটরীতডতডডডডডডডডরররতরগটটগরটটটতএটআতহগতগগতববগতগহহহতততগগততগতহগগতগগতহতততডগতডততটটততটডততগগগগতততটটটটরীূূূূীীররটটএএিওপেোাসডতগহকলকয়সশচআআনমচসডগগরীটূরএএএএটটএএএটটএএটরটররটররীররুট য়তডততগতততততটততততততততততততততত
by Razzak Ahmed, 2024-06-22

Not recommended boring
by Vijayasree Vududala, 2024-05-22
View all user reviews

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