Real Guitar - Music Band Game

Electric & Acoustic Sounds, Ultimate Chords & Tabs

Total ratings

2.88 (Rating count: 675,311)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Sound quality is decent for the acoustic guitar
  • The concept of a guitar game app is appealing
  • App has potential if user interface and ads improved
  • Aggressive monetization with forced subscription trials and pop-up ads
  • Poor user experience with ads that block functionality
  • Laggy and imprecise strumming response
  • Difficult to cancel subscription once initiated
  • Limited song library and beginner-focused content
Most mentioned
  • Forced subscription trial that is difficult to bypass
  • Aggressive advertising that interrupts use
  • Poor app performance with lag and responsiveness issues
  • User interface issues, especially with navigation
  • Charging for features before users can properly evaluate the app
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Recent rating average: 1.00
All time rating average: 2.88
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Date Author Rating Comment
Pika4lif3 _
It's so bad right now. It first shows you an advertisement to get premium features. Is you then manage to tap on the tiniest line of text that let's you skip it, the app shows you another ad for a free trial that won't dissappear unless you participate in the trial. There is NO way to close this pop-up. So be warned that in order to use this app you NEED to use the "free" trial. I have yet to find out what happens when the trial runs out.
Jason Hassler
Downloaded this app, first thing you will see is a fake free trial switch that can NOT BE TURNED OFF. You must accept the trial to be able to even start the app. Never even got the chance to try the app because I'm not signing up for a 3 day trial when I know darn well I am not paying for another month charge for something I don't even know is good or not. Bad app design, seems just above scammy. Deleted from phone. No thanks for wasting my time
CoolGirl Running
This is a scam!!!!! IM BEING CHARGED $ 7.99 per week!!! FOR NOTHING!! My son has been teaching himself guitar.So, I thought it would be fun to explore, I downloaded for the 3-day trial. I tried to cancel right away, and it's literally impossible. I can't get a hold of anyone. I can't even get into the app because it wants me to subscribe again. I've been trying in for weeks and weeks to cancel and delete MEANWHILE, IM BEING CHARGED $ 7.99 per week!!! FOR NOTHING!!
Will McCreary
Don't bother downloading. Had tried to download it to check it out several months ago, and saw before they even let you try it out, they beg you for money. 7.99 for a game that people haven't even tried, is pretty ridiculous to say the least. Will never download this back as long as it's pay before you try. Update: Yeah, there's a 7 day free trial, That automatically charges you if you don't cancel it. This doesn't change my opinion on the game at all.
Alright, after coming to this from a Tiktok ad, I must say. This is the absolute worst app related to music I have seen. If I could rate less than a star, I genuinely would. It starts by FORCING you to take a free trial, then after three days, you must pay. Then once you actually get through, you find out that the game BARELY RESPONDS. It didn't do half of what I was inputting. Absolutely do NOT download this waste of storage space. Would absolutely NOT download. Thank you for your time.
Robert Caltalantes
You can't use this app unless you pay for the $7.99 subscription. The developers of this app are pathetic, they beg for money right off the bat with big "press me" buttons and they give a VERY tiny underlined button to choose not to subscribe, but when pressed, it brings you to a page where the only button is to pay and there's no way to close the page. The instruments don't even sound good from the demos they play on the introduction pages either. Just use BandLab.
So the ads for this app are misleading. The song list is pretty bare, didn't include any songs I would've been interested in playing, it didn't even include the song that was in the ad I saw that motivated me to download it in the first place, I was kinda hoping that I could play songs I normally listen to, maybe learn how to play them in the mean time. Had I known the song list only included beginner songs for people who are starting out, I would've just stuck with my own guitar instead
Hope Larson
Absolutely do not download. It's a waste of time. I was looking forward to playing songs I love but you can't play without signing up for premium. They try and reply to reviews saying you can but don't let them fool you. There is no x out button. I've looked for it. So bummed to have to deal with this and Tik Tok even recommended it to me.
Mike Bergin
Installed it and tried to get past the free trial stuff. Tapped "skip to limited version" at the bottom. Asked me again if I wanted to try the free trial. I said "no thanks." It took me to a screen that advertised it one more time. I pressed "Continue." It took me to the Google Play subscription page. I immediately uninstalled it. Look elsewhere for a more trustworthy app.
Nathan Stump
You should stop pretending that even with the subscription, that this is a good service and app. It's not. It's just as bad as the other similar "Real Guitar" apps. It's 100% just a cheap way for you people to make money off of monetization. You care not about the actual functionality of the app, and the quality of the interface and overall experience shows this.
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