Filo Tutor: Teach 1-on-1 Live

Become an online tutor & take online classes. Filo Tutor - online tutors app

Filo Tutor: Live 1-on-1 Online Tutoring App

"Filo Tutor: Teach 1-on-1 Live" is an online tutoring app that connects tutors with students for real-time lessons across various subjects. Designed for CBSE, ICSE, and State Board students, it offers resources like NCERT solutions and previous year question papers. Tutors can earn a significant monthly income by helping students with homework and exam preparation. Join Filo Tutor to make a difference in students' educational journeys and enjoy the flexibility of teaching from anywhere.
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App stats

Version: 4.3.5 (Last updated: 2024-12-09)
Creation date: 2020-09-17
Location: approximate location (network-based), precise location (GPS and network-based)
Phone: read phone status and identity
Photos/Media/Files: read the contents of your USB storage, modify or delete the contents of your USB storage
Storage: read the contents of your USB storage, modify or delete the contents of your USB storage
Camera: take pictures and videos
Microphone: record audio
Wi-Fi connection information: view Wi-Fi connections
Device ID & call information: read phone status and identity
  • receive data from Internet
  • view network connections
  • pair with Bluetooth devices
  • access Bluetooth settings
  • disable your screen lock
  • full network access
  • change your audio settings
  • run at startup
  • control vibration
  • prevent device from sleeping


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Not available on Edge
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App summary

Filo tutor is an online classes app to help students with homework, questions & concepts.

Receive real-time classroom requests from students around the country in subjects you have expertise in. Earn appreciation from students and help build an easier world around you.

Work from home or anywhere and teach students online. Become an online tutor on the Filo tutor app and earn up to Rs 20,000+ per month.

Filo Tutor - Best Learning App for CBSE, NCERT, Tutor and State Board Students

Teach students from CBSE Class 8th to Class 12th. It is the best learning app for students and you can help students in teaching. Filo tutor provides a wide range of study materials like - NCERT Solutions, Previous Year Question Papers, CBSE Notes, Important Questions, and much more.
NCERT Solutions is very important for CBSE students since the NCERT Syllabus guidelines. You can get NCERT Solutions for every chapter & topic on Filo. You can also clear doubts in Maths, Chemistry, Biology and other subjects. We cover all subjects - English, Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Biology, Science, History, Tutor app, NCERT Solution, CBSE, ALL Best Solution App

Filo tutor online learning app personalized for CBSE, ICSE & State Board students. We are on the mission to make the online study experience easy and smooth for students. We cover a very wide range of syllabus from the CBSE Board, ICSE, and State Boards. Students who are preparing for IIT JEE Main, NEET, AIIMS. Online Tutors - Solve questions, class homework, physics, chemistry, maths, biology tutor. We cater to all types of homework solutions and homework help, for maths, IIT doubts, CBSE, biology, CBSE books, neet preparation, IIT jee test series, physics jee.

We are the got to app for all online tutors. Best tutor app for tutors to teach online and get monthly income.

User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Helpful for students to understand problems and concepts
  • Easy to sign in and use
  • Good for tutors as it provides flexible working hours
  • Smooth operations and user-friendly interface
  • Constant flow of questions for tutors
  • Poor call flow and many tutors not receiving calls
  • Negative ratings from students without justification
  • Technical issues with the app, including glitches and disconnections
  • Slow or unresponsive customer support
  • Unfair evaluation processes and issues with payment for blocked accounts
Most mentioned
  • Issues with receiving calls and the calling system
  • Frustration regarding negative ratings and evaluation processes
  • Technical problems and glitches in the app
  • The app is helpful for students and tutors
  • Customer support responsiveness
User reviews
I am trying to upload my id documents but it always show me that adhar verification systems are busy right now. Unable to request for OTP. Please try later.. I am trying to upload id documents since last 2 days. It also show me maximum OTP limit exceeded. Please try again after some time..however it doesn't send any OTP to my mobile. Please resolve this problem as soon as possible.
by Anees malik, 2024-12-13

this filo tutor is going to be helpful for students to understand the problem on their subjects and , it's easy to sign in .and i think it's improve my knowledge and I am happy to teach .

Never work on this platform. I cleared the first round ( Subject exam). I cleared the introduction round also. Then I completed my training successfully. After that my account has been activated but I did not receive any call. I logged in and became online many times. I wasted my one to two hours two to three times but I did not receive any call. I did not receive first call. This app is totally wastage of time.
by Amogh Goyal, 2024-11-26
View all user reviews

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