Color Bump 3D: ASMR ball game

Guide a color ball through a road full of obstacles. Play the ASMR relax game

Total ratings

4.38 (Rating count: 674,861)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fun and engaging gameplay
  • Appealing visuals and graphics
  • Good for passing time
  • Relaxing and zen-like experience
  • Excessive ads, often disrupting gameplay
  • Lack of challenge and repetitive levels
  • Technical issues like lag and game crashes
  • Permissions requested are seen as unnecessary
Most mentioned
  • Too many ads
  • Repetitive gameplay
  • Fun gameplay concept
  • Technical glitches and lag
  • Lack of challenge as levels progress
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.40
All time rating average: 4.38
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Date Author Rating Comment
A Google user
I love the gameplay and all but I dont know why it's so glitchy and laggy not to mention an ad every 5 seconds I uninstalled this app for a reason. All the levels make you die when you dont and sometimes the controls dont work at all so your just stuck and my game freezes up and to get it to work again I have to reset my divise. If it worked properly then I would give it 5 stars but for now it's going to stay 1 star until its fixed.
A Google user
Fun to play and it is a little challenging. But there are waaayyyyyyy too many ads. There is an ad almost every level and everytime you die and restart. I get that this is a free game and that's one of your forms of revenue.....but it's a bit excessive. It's to the point where it's just not worth it to play since most of the time I'll be sitting through ads
A Google user
It's a fun game. However there are a lot of ads. The ad for this game that I saw playing 2 said that it took someone 23 tries to pass level 1. It should take you like 5 tries at most to pass level 1. I just got it today and I'm already past level 50. Some of the levels are harder than others, and it can be frustrating at times. But overall, it's really fun!!!🙂
A Google user
a zen experience...i do think it's worth playing... I'm over 1000 levels; yes you saw that right. nothing is stellar about this game, yes, the ball controls get away from you a bit of you don't adjust dinner, but it's controllable. i use it to clear my thinking and zone out at times and great for that. i suspect procedurally created levels, and most of the time just not that hard. every once in a while levels will finally get challenging, not often. needs to be a version 2...i have lots of ideas
A Google user
I finally hit Level 5002, took 6 months of casual play. I give 3 stars for lacking a real challenge and lack of obstacle courses; the courses become repetitive. I do enjoy the game for a quick win gratification and helps pass time when stuck waiting somewhere. The game would be more challenging if the ball would fall off the edge. Please add more courses and more challenge. To quickly pass ads up, click NO THANKS, when ad appears click YOUR START BUTTON, then the CB 3D APP to start game again.
A Google user
It was fun while it lasted (which was like 15 minutes). I passed the first 5 levels with the ads with no problem. But Then all of a sudden, when an ad would come on, it would shut down the game, saying it wasn't responding. Which normally wouldn't be an issue but the fact that I started getting ads every time I finished a level was getting ridiculous.
A Google user
I personally like it a lot! I really don't care much about the Ads (because I play the game at school, when I'm stressed out, and the school WIFI blocks all ads from any device connected to it) sooooo yeah, BUT! one issue is WHEN DOES IT FRICKIN' END!!! I reached level 1001..... and got tired--- it does need more variety and/or a limit! It can't go on FOREVER!!!
A Google user
listen, I understand the need for adds, but 30 second adds after almost every play, that you cant back out of is too much. The Super Bowl has less adds. Oh and thanks for bringing up the rate screen during game play instead of after the level is finished. The game is fun and the the movement of the obstacles is hypnotizing. Too bad I wanted to play a game more and watch adds less or there would be a 5 star rating and this game would still be installed.
A Google user
Just like every other mind game and "you must have this game!" It's very gimmicky, maybe it wouldn't be so bad if they put more time into graphics and less into ads. Everytime an ad plays, the whole game shuts down. The idea is cool and they could have the makings of a really successful game, there's just no effort.
A Google user
Color Bump 3D is a fairly fun game. The visuals are appealing and the controls are responsive. The idea is cool, but the game is way too simple and easy. You pass level 100, 200 and on, and it never increases in difficulty in the slightest. A cool game like this fails because it gets boring fast. You could easily make a game with these mechanics progressively more difficult. Zero imagination was incorporated from whomever developed the levels. What a shame.
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