Simple mode

Large text, big icons, and loud sounds. Make your phone easier for the elderly.

Simple Mode - Easy Phone Use for Seniors

"Simple mode" is an Android app designed to assist the elderly in using smartphones with ease. It automatically switches the phone settings to larger text and bigger icons, enhances sound volume, and provides handwriting input and virtual button navigation, making it an ideal choice for seniors seeking a user-friendly mobile experience.
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App stats

By: ColorOS
Version: 13.1.5 (Last updated: 2023-02-20)
Creation date: 2023-02-19


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App summary

Simple mode is designed to help the elderly use their phone more easily. When you open Simple mode, your phone system automatically switches to larger text, bigger icons, and higher volumes, and uses handwriting as the input method and virtual buttons as the navigation method.

User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Simple instructions to follow
  • Useful for battery percentage management
  • Good accessibility features for technology use and navigation
  • Not compatible with many devices
  • Installed without user consent and cannot be uninstalled
  • Accusations of being spyware and invasion of privacy
  • Frequent update issues and bugs reported
Most mentioned
  • Not compatible with devices
  • Installed without permission
  • Issues with updating the app
User reviews
by Anonymous, Invalid Date

Please solve the problem of not updating layers And this app is no longer compatible with your device
by amer mhmod64, 2025-01-26

1 it's very useful when it's very useful when your batteries percentage I've used it a couple of times the first time I was a bit apprehensive the second time with more confident is a good setting on this mobile
by Andy w Jackson, 2025-01-17
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