Barnes & Noble

Shop books, toys, gifts & more

Barnes & Noble: Shop Books, Toys, and Gifts

"Barnes & Noble" is an Android app that offers book lovers quick access to a vast selection of books, eBooks, audiobooks, and gifts. With features such as a store locator, digital Member card, and barcode scanner, users can shop easily, discover recommendations, and manage their accounts seamlessly. The app provides a secure shopping experience while ensuring that users have everything they need to enhance their reading journey.
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App stats

Version: 4.1.0 (Last updated: 2025-01-02)
Version code: 206
Creation date: 2022-07-15
  • android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION
  • android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION
  • android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
  • android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE
  • android.permission.CAMERA
  • android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE
  • android.permission.INTERNET
  • android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS
  • android.permission.READ_CALENDAR
  • android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
  • See more
Size: 125.70M


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App summary

The Barnes & Noble app is the ideal companion for book lovers who want quick and easy access to the world of books. Search, browse and shop our massive selection of books, eBooks, audiobooks, NOOK eReaders & tablets, toys, games, home items, gifts and much more. Ship your items directly to your door, or use our store locator to find the nearest Barnes & Noble bookstore to pick up your order on your own schedule.

As an added convenience for Barnes & Noble Members, the app includes a scannable digital Member card for instant access to your Member benefits when shopping in-store.

(Please note that in order to provide the best pricing for our customers, we are currently unable to provide an in-app purchasing experience for Digital Content, including eBooks and digital audiobooks.)

Explore our massive selection of millions of Books, Kids' books, Magazines, Manga, CDs, Vinyl, DVDs, Blu-ray, Toys & Games, Home & Gift items, Gift Cards and much more.

Buy books from a variety of bestselling genres including astrology, biographies, business, children's books, classics, comics and graphic novels, cookbooks, history, horror, manga, mystery & crime, religion & bibles, romance, sci-fi & fantasy, self-help, teens & YA, test prep books, true crime.

Access unique Barnes & Noble content including Product Details, Product Images, Bookseller Reviews, Customer Reviews, Editorial Reviews, Best Sellers, NOOK devices and much more.

Fully secure. All purchases go through the secure Barnes & Noble systems.

Wondering what to read next? Browse through new releases, classics, best sellers, and book recommendations curated especially for you by our experienced booksellers!

Explore a large assortment of eBooks and audiobooks and add them to your Wishlist for easy purchasing on the Barnes and Noble website.

Enhance your search by using your camera as a barcode scanner and instantly pull up the product details, book reviews, and more.

Find your closest Barnes & Noble bookstore with our new store locator to browse with our expert booksellers in person or pick up your recent purchase.

Barnes & Noble Members have direct access to their membership benefits in-store with a scannable digital membership card.

Access your online purchase history and manage your Barnes & Noble account all through the app.

Access and add items to your Wishlist for easy access across all of your devices

User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • The app constantly freezes or crashes.
    • Login issues, including being logged out frequently and difficulties logging back in.
    • Slow loading times for pages and search results.
    • Search function is unreliable and often does not provide relevant results.
    • Limited functionality, including the inability to access certain features like wishlists or the cafe section.
    Most mentioned
    • Constant freezing and crashing
    • Frequent login issues
    • Slow performance and loading times
    • Buggy search function
    • Poor user experience overall
    User reviews
    This app is the WORST! Absolutely useless for shopping. I prefer to shop online, and this is the main reason I started buying most of my media from Amazon. And I 100% agree with the other reviews. The IT team needs to focus more on fixing the bugs and less on responding to negative reviews. It lags so badly that it's impossible to purchase anything through the app, which is extremely frustrating. FIX IT!!!!!!
    by Nicole House, 2025-01-08

    The app constantly freezes. I'm not able to log in. On the odd chance I'm logged in the search feature lags or I have to re-enter my search for it to work because it clears out the first time. When asking at B&N store the staff told me the app constantly freezing and being unusable is common and to try uninstall and reinstall.
    by Katrina Youngblood, 2024-12-31

    I always freezes up. This app is one of the worst shopping apps I currently have. It constantly freezes up and randomly logs me out when it takes too long to load a page. Also, as a bookstore it would be way convenient to be about to click on a book and then if it's a series the rest of the series is somewhere on that page for you to look at. Romance is a super popular and money making genre, let's make it easier and more appealing to shop for on the app.
    by Crystal LoCicero, 2024-12-27
    View all user reviews

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