Children's doctor : dentist

Game for children dentist - welcome to the children's dental office.

Children's Doctor: Dentist - Fun Dental Game for Kids

'Children's doctor: dentist' is an engaging and educational game for children where they play as a dentist in a veterinary clinic, treating the teeth of cute pets. Kids use realistic dental tools to perform procedures like cleaning, aligning, and filling cavities, developing fine motor skills and awareness of dental hygiene. This entertaining app not only teaches them about taking care of animals but also encourages good dental habits for themselves. Download now and let your child discover the exciting world of dentistry!
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App stats

By: YovoGames
Version: 1.5.3 (Last updated: 2024-07-09)
Version code: 53
Creation date: 2017-08-09
  • android.permission.ACCESS_ADSERVICES_AD_ID
  • android.permission.ACCESS_ADSERVICES_TOPICS
  • android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
  • android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE
  • android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE
  • android.permission.INTERNET
  • android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS
  • android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED
  • android.permission.WAKE_LOCK
  • See more
Size: 51.68M

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App summary

Children's doctor - we all love when people around us smile. We become well and happy when someone on the street gives us a smile. But for a smile to be beautiful, you need to take good care of your teeth. This applies to your pets, because in childhood they were for every kid. Like people, they also sometimes need to treat their teeth. This can be done by a special doctor - dentist. 
We present to your attention an exciting game for children - a dentist (vet clinic). 
In this entertaining game, your child is a real dentist, under the guidance of which there is a hospital for animals. The kid is entrusted with a very important and responsible task - the treatment of teeth of his four-footed pups, whose teeth began to ache heavily because of their love for sweets.
You have to treat them in a real dental office, use various medical instruments, such as tongs, scalpels, Burmashin and many others, to clean your four-legged friends of teeth from plaque, align them, do operations, remove cavities and fill them. After all, they all just need your help. For her, the animals will be grateful to you and very grateful.
Developing games for children, such as a veterinarian, contribute to the overall development of your child. They help to develop fine motor skills, coordination of movements, visual perception, attentiveness and observation, will show the baby how to treat animals, take care of them.
Our games for kids, such as a dentist, will teach them not only to treat their pets with love and care, but also to protect their own teeth, do not forget to clean them several times a day, because going to the dentist is not the most pleasant pastime.
For the purpose of comprehensive development of the child, we create applications and educational games for children that are aimed to help boys and girls develop basic motor and other skills, and useful to spend their free time.
All you need is to download games, install and start playing, and in the future your child can choose one of the most needed professions in the world - the dentist

User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fun and engaging for children
  • Cute animal characters that kids enjoy
  • Simple to understand gameplay for toddlers
  • Overall concept of the game is appealing and educational for kids
  • Frequent glitches and bugs that hinder gameplay
  • Excessive and intrusive ads that disrupt the experience
  • Limited characters and functionalities without VIP membership
  • Parts of the game are not appropriate for very young children (e.g., surgery elements)
Most mentioned
  • The game has annoying glitches and bugs
  • Ads are disruptive and overly frequent
  • Limited character options and many locked behind VIP
  • Game is visually appealing but frustrating due to technical issues
  • Gameplay can be hard for toddlers due to ad placement
User reviews
Glitching during game. Very annoying for my daughter as we have to restart the game. It glitches, and the dentist tray hovers over the tooth area you are working on, and you can not compete the patient. She loves this game and gets very frustrated. I have deleted it already, but she begged to play it again.
by Erin Webster, 2024-12-26

My kids like the game but the ads are too easy to accidentally click and pop up on their own too much. I'm often asked to help them so they can get back to playing the game. Sometimes I have a probabltm myself getting out of the ad. I'd be willing to spend a few dollars to buy the VIap version but close to $40 is insane for how much it's actually played. I'd rather spend that on a game for a system.
by Jenn Pop, 2024-12-16

Game works fine with the free version animals (with a lot of ads though), but once you get the paid subscription, there are a lot of bugs/glitches with the VIP animals. Touches/actions don't work and you'll need to kill the app and open again which is frustrating
by Sohaib Ahmed, 2024-03-20
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