Lep's World 2

Lep's World 2 is a super classic platformer / side-scroller / jump and run!

Total ratings

4.54 (Rating count: 1,141,205)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fun and entertaining gameplay
  • Nostalgic and well-designed graphics
  • Improved features and power-ups compared to the first game
  • Challenging levels that engage players
  • Ad-supported rewards system that allows players to gain extra benefits
  • Too many ads heavily disrupt gameplay
  • Levels become repetitive and lack creativity beyond a certain point
  • Issues with controls and difficulty spikes
  • Frustrating bugs affecting gameplay (invisibility, jump timing)
  • Lack of new content and character unlocks leads to dissatisfaction
Most mentioned
  • Excessive ads that interrupt gameplay
  • Gameplay bugs (invisibility, jump failure)
  • Levels feel repetitive and uncreative after a certain point
  • Nostalgia factor and overall enjoyment of the game
  • Desire for more levels and better variety in challenges
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.80
All time rating average: 4.54
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Date Author Rating Comment
Al Faiz
This is a very good game. I played this like 5 years ago and had so much fun. I would give 5 stars but there is one problem, you guys removed the wall jump. It's one of the most important moves, so that's why I gave 4 stars
Lina •-•
The best game ever, I wish there is another one like this but with different levels . Although some levels can be very hard sometimes but in the end it's soo entertaining while being bord
I grew up watching my mom play this game. Of course, that was the old version of it. In recent times, it's still pretty good. But now it has many problems 1.Too many ads. 2. Uncreative past level 8 as it's all just copy pasted and harder levels with boss fights swapped. Please make actual new worlds instead of copying and pasting. It's still very good nonetheless.
This game is very good. I have played all the Lep's World Games from part 1-3. I found it really interesting. I started playing Lep's World during Covid time. I found it really interesting and it passed my crucial time very fast. At that time I was suffering from COVID-19 when I installed your game. Time flew away while playing it. My regards and big Thanks to the developer to make this game. I am kinda grateful to the developer as he passed my illness time so fast. Love to Lep...
Abdoulaye Toubga
This game is amazing, but there are 2 problems with the game 1. It's going in super 6 it makes me lose every time. 2. When I reached 2-6 halfway to the game, it turned me invisible, and that also made me lose the game, so please fix this issue it will really help the future players. thank you
I'll give it a 2 stars since it's super fun, however, everytime I left the app my screen would become tiner and would be in a corner of the whole phone, if that makes sense. All of the touch commands were in the same place but the literal screen wasn't, it was hard to navigate and only thing that worked to fix that problem is if I reset my phone, this only happened when I closed this particular app, I don't reccomend getting this app if you have a Samsung unless you want your phone to glitch.
Many pepole would say this is a copy or knock-off of super mario, but, just to express my love to this game, i can say that this is one of the most nostalgic games i ever played and probably the first game i ever played back in like 2017 or 2018, just hearing the sound it plays when u complete a level makes me remember of the old times. The visuals are amazing, probably the perfect game i ever played, the only thing is that levels get repetetive, so i hope that next game will be a bit better 🥇
Shinjini Biswas
Interesting levels and pictures are so beautifully made. But, there is a problem. After opening the game and clicking on 'Play' (which is above leaderboards) I get levels. There on the top left corner it's written (any number)/375. But if I open the characters place, I get to see that 'Blurgg' is locked and below the the character is written 380. There's given 380 which is not possible ! This way one will never get that character. Please check it. But yeah, I still love this game 👍👍👍😃
A very good game, playing it since 2016. I also dont like the taste of how they removed what the levels looked liked, they were doors but now they are dots in an island. They should have had added additional 7+ worlds with the doors. Also, on 8-8, the time doesnt even go to 300 when you reach at the boss fight, it just makes you stay on what timer limit your on. I wish Leps World 2 would change back to its former glory, like the levels looking like doors and returning back that upper "Pause."
I like it. It's a knock-off of a Super Mario Bros. platforming type game, but cute nonetheless. I LOVE ❤ the Leprechaun characters and Irish 🇨🇮 style background music! Controls take a little getting used to. If you make a mistake and get killed you're punished by having to watch an ad if you want to pick up where left off. If not, you have to start at the beginning of the particular stage you happen to be on. Overall I think this a pretty good game.
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