Convert fractions into decimal numbers! Quick and easy!
Fraction to Decimal - Easy Fraction Conversion
"Fraction to Decimal" is a free math calculator that quickly converts fractions into decimal numbers, including common and mixed fractions. Ideal for students in school and college, this tool enhances learning in arithmetic and division, making math easier to understand and apply.
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App summary
This free math calculator is able to convert fractions into decimal numbers. You can convert common fractions (like 1/2) and mixed fractions (like 2 4/5).
The best mathematical tool for school and college! If you are a student, it will help you to learn arithmetic and division!
User reviews
- Easy to use
- Quick conversion
- Works both ways (fraction to decimal and decimal to fraction)
- Helpful for students
- Accurate results
- Annoying ads
- Pop-ups interfere with use
- Some inaccuracies in conversions
- Frequent prompts to rate or download other apps
Most mentioned
- Ads
- Ease of use
- Functionality
User reviews
Good for quick reference
So far, so good. Nice basic converter
This app is a joke. 2.25 from decimal to fraction according to this app is 9/4. it should read 2 1/4.
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