HET Billing Mobile

"HUDUDIY ELEKTR TARMOQLARI" AJ maishiy iste'molchilari uchun mobil ilova

HET Billing Mobile - Electric Utility App

"HET Billing Mobile" is an Android app that provides residential electricity consumers with easy access to their personal information, including meter readings, payment history, outstanding balances, and the ability to change contact details and submit requests. Users can efficiently manage their electricity consumption and track transactions in one convenient platform.
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Version: 1.0.11 (Last updated: 2024-12-06)


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App summary

"HET Billing mobile" mobil ilovasi maishiy iste'molchilarga elektr energiyasi iste'moli bo'yicha o'zlarining quyidagi shaxsiy ma'lumotlarini ko'rish imkoniyatini beradi:
- hisoblagich ko'rsatkichlarini ko'rish;
- to'lovlarni amalga oshirish;
- shaxsiy hisob-raqamining to'lovlar bo'yicha joriy holati;
- qarzdorlik miqdori;
- to'lovlar tarixi;
- telefon raqam o'zgartirish;
- talabnoma va arizalarni kiritish;
- hisob-kitoblar bo'yicha statistik ma'lumotlarni ko'rish.

User reviews

One Id orqali kirib bo'lmayabti, Serverdahi ichki xatolik deyabti. Ro'yhatdan o'tsam SMS kelmayabti
by Firdavs Ibodullayev, 2025-01-07

Thanks so much. I guess, This app is worked without a problem.
by Ilxomjon Topvoldiyev, 2025-01-06

Hech qanday sms xabar kelmayabdi
by Baxtiyor Abdumajitov, 2024-12-29
View all user reviews

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