STNDRD: Bodybuilding Workouts

Train under the expert guidance of 6x Mr. Olympia Champion Chris Bumstead (CBUM)

Total ratings

4.01 (Rating count: 969)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Good workout programs with video demonstrations.
  • Customizable workouts based on available equipment.
  • Killer workout routines that produce excellent results.
  • Frequent app crashes and loss of unsaved data.
  • Music interruptions during workouts.
  • Poor user interface and complicated navigation.
  • Sign in issues and difficulty logging back in.
Most mentioned
  • App crashes during workouts.
  • Issues with music not playing.
  • Complicated UI compared to previous app version.
  • Loss of workout progress and difficulty logging data.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.30
All time rating average: 4.01
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Date Author Rating Comment
Paul Bartlett
It seems like an MVP, no tutorials for UX makes it complicated to use as there are so many features. It is rigid, started the 4 week promotion and you have to follow a set routine in some cases, tough for the average gym goer who can't access all the equipment to follow the 60 min plan. If you have a private gym you can jump between free weights and machines, majority don't have that luxury. It needs to be more flexible. Poor UX experience. Hit me up if you want a UX consultation.
Alex Miranda
My music kept stopping completely during my workouts. I sent them an email, and within two days, they fixed the bug, so 5 stars from me. As far as the workouts themselves, they are all good but hard to do when you work out in a packed gym because they have you use a variety of machines. You can customize the workouts to your liking, though.
Ryan Haberfield
Very good workouts, disappointed in being half way through a workout and app crashing and not saving any of the progress even though I've clicked log workout. Happens atleast twice a workout at the moment. If this issue gets fixed the app is amazing.
Oliver Gerdes
For the past two weeks, I’ve been experiencing a recurring issue where the app pauses my Spotify music whenever it demonstrates an exercise. As a result, I’m unable to listen to my music while tracking my workout, which disrupts my workout experience. Having already paid for the yearly subscription, I’m starting to feel disappointed. I hope this bug can be addressed soon so that I can fully enjoy the app as intended.
Matt P
Every time I reopen the app after my screen was shut off. The music stops. Every time you change the movement, the music stops. If you don't hit start exercise before you start logging, nothing saves.
Kevin Gates
I can't log back in. Since the update, it won't let me log in. I paid for a year membership too. Even if I go through the "forget password," it will not send me an email so I can reset it, but they have no problems at all sending me the BS ads. Super annoyed, because it was some great workouts before the update and when it was just the cbum fitness app.
Corey Fritz
Ever since the switch from CBUM to Stndrd, this app has lost my support. The UI is clunky and messy and it forgets my workout almost every time I minimize the app. If the app is open it cuts off my music because my phone thinks a video is playing and prioritizes Stndrd over Spotify. It quits doing that when you minimize the app but then it forgets your workout. I'm out.
Vedran Brundić
They had a good thing going with the old app. Now workouts lack context, some key features are not working at all - basically what works in the app is checking out a workout plan and timers/logs.All that you could pretty much do with a notebook and stopwatch. The new app feels rushed, there was no reason to force people to adopt the new one, at least not untill they were sure the app is functional. This way they forced you into a non working app, but they bill you the same 🤷‍♂️
Jelle3511 (Jelle3511)
In the nutrition section, we need to be able to create meals and save the whole meal, instead of just each individual item, but also be able to alter it if needed. Otherwise great app
Ross Ewart
Cancelled my subscription when it was still the BUM app back in May, and they are still billing me. I reached out a month on September 1, and there has been no response. When I cancelled I didn't receive an email, so I went back to the app to check and it was asking me to subscribe again and had no cancelation option, I figured I was good. The BUM app switched to stndrd and I cant even access stndrd although I'm still paying for it.
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