Opus to Mp3 converter

opus to mp3 converter - convert opus audio to mp3 - opus to mp3 audio converter

Total ratings

4.75 (Rating count: 8,857)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Works as advertised and converts files quickly.
  • Allows batch conversion of multiple files.
  • Delivers superior audio quality for converted files.
  • Excessive ads that interrupt the user experience.
  • Difficulties in locating converted files after the process.
  • Repeated prompts for ratings affect usability.
Most mentioned
  • Excessive ads
  • Difficulty locating converted files
  • Rating prompts interfering with conversion
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 4.75
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Date Author Rating Comment
Autumn (GelOrange)
works as advertised, very handy. few small issues: 1, the dropdown button on converted files isnt very responsive, so it tends to do the default option of opening it in the app, which plays an ad unnecessarily when i just want to export. make the button a bit bigger please! 2, im not sure why it appends numbers to file names. you can just remove them while saving so its no big deal just its a bit annoying to do it every time. otherwise great app!
Sarita Singh
Works great and that's all matters but as of some suggestions: there is a bug that while converting as the percentage increased it gave continues new notifications like as every 1% increased it gave new notification so I hope you'll fix that in the new updates good luck!
Yvonne Almandinger
Only converts your files if you click 5 star review in the pop up that appears EVERY TIME you want to convert files. If you don't review or choose 1-4 star review (which doesn't take you to the app store but to send an email with suggestions) the conversion doesn't happen. The few files I managed to convert are great, converted quickly and in batch but between the rating bug (or feature) and the endless apps it's a waste of time. Would love the option to pay for an add free version!
I've wasted 10 minutes trying to locate my file after an ad came on immediately after pressed "convert". No sign of the file in the directly either. Tried multiple times with the same result. Frustrating.
Nice app for convertion of voice notes.. its better, if some features like select all, and option for convertion bit rate( like 112, 196, 256, 324kbps ) and entire folder convertion along with single file convertion are added in future updates...
Anthony Kalamoren
Keep asking for ratings and hence removing the files added manually one by one over and over again. Very frustrating. But the converting is good
Monte Gavin III
(I am absolutely ignorant w/ .opus files) Another app dwnlded quicker & without issue) Instead, this app produced SUPERIOR QUALITY mp3s! but DID NOT produce all specified files on 1st try. It's taken a while to finally get what I needed {from 1 album} out of this app! SPECIFICALLY: due to a combination of excess ads & a bombardment of developer begging for a rating (Pressing cancel instead of rating seemingly results in canceling of conversation as well? {Regardless of previously rating} SMH)
Techlee Sor
hard to locate your file after converting it. I even followed to where the file was saved under. I even searched "mp3" on my folder and did not locate it. maybe link file to direct folder after converting files would be awesome
Th. H.
Okay it works, which leves the question, why it also permanently run the vibration alert? Msy be at the end ofa batch process of several files, sich would be okay, but always is a waste of battery and engines too!
Seliang Jean
Good app. Very easy to use. Converts small OPUS audio files to mp3 quickly. However, I have yet to use it to convert big OPUS files.
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