League Live

Follow NRL games, stats and highlights with the #1 rated rugby league app

Total ratings

4.42 (Rating count: 4,784)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Great app and user-friendly interface
  • Provides useful stats and team information
  • Good coverage of men's and women's competitions
  • Consistent and efficient for basic rugby league coverage
  • Frequent bugs and issues with app functionality
  • Annoying ads that disrupt user experience
  • Default setting issue where app opens to the wrong round
  • Incomplete and outdated player and team information
Most mentioned
  • Issues with ads
  • Defaulting to round 1 when opened
  • Incorrect or outdated stats and information
  • Crashing when accessing news articles
  • Need for updates on player profiles and team lineups
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.40
All time rating average: 4.42
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Date Author Rating Comment
Sydney Paul
Awesome app and great features of the men's and women's competitions. Up to date and loading of in game stats, team line ups and helpful history info. Not a fan of all the ads now and would be great if you added the end of year international fixtures. Keep up the great work guys...
w0lf m4n
It doesnt keep track of all stats,players ect. Shows incorrect teams, for that weekend. It definitely not as good as it used to be.
C Yorston
Defaults to one round ahead when I open it which is frustrating, but otherwise fantastic app. Great stats, easy to use.
Robinhood Locksley
App used to work well. Now, it doesn't update the ladder. Various other minor issues as well. it used to be a wonderful app, it's fallen on the way side now.
Ilija Tacevski
Great app, clean and user friendly. But for some reason this season every time I open the app, it brings up next week's round matches.
Shaun Bosher
Used to be real good, but has lots of bugs the last couple years. Unreliable I'd say. Also, why not sure a teams bye round in the next 5 feature? Makes complete sense
Aaron Xuereb
Increasingly displays incorrect information particularly in the NRL ladder. Have had this app for years and until this year it worked fine, but for some reason this season it has had issue after issue.
Fred Geldof
Was close to perfect and have used for years. Installed on two devices. Now ladder doesnt load on one and fails to populate on the other. How can a see where my team stands. I dont know whether to gloat or cower. If not fixed by round 3 will look elsewhere
Peter Barry
Consistent, efficient, uncomplicated. Have used this app for years now. I love that it does one thing really well, that is provide uncomplicated rugba leeg coverage. Fully deserves 5 stars! I think this app used to provide live score push notifications, that would be good to see come back, apologies if it does this still and I have missed it or was part of another app. Would be a prefecture regardless.
Shayne Kyles
I love this app, but NSW Cup needs to be updated. Would be nice to have Super league included. It does say League Live not NRL Live. Awesome thanks for the reply. 4 years on team and still a great app, but LEAGUE LIVE. Still waiting for Super League to be added.
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