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App summary
The goal of the project is to unite entrepreneurs in the regions on one platform where they could do business, find suppliers, buyers from other regions and communicate on various issues, upload some information about themselves, their products or some other information to the Tape. coming, for example, from government agencies, etc.
Technological features and uniqueness of the project is the first trading social network in the Russian Federation.
What does the trading network offer to Russian entrepreneurs:
Companies register, receive the status of a regular user (buyer) - it's free.
A personal account is formed. It has little functionality and is designed solely for the purchase of a product you like, or for receiving a particular service. However, there are functions inherent in the social network.
If you need to create a company page, then select the required tariff presented in the price list, go to the bank page, pay and after that we get an extended account and a number of additional functions.
What opportunities does the client get:
- Design a company in your own style, namely:
• company banner
• logo
• detailed description of the company
• location and details
• a magazine in which you can create an unlimited number of different blocks about your company and partner companies, etc.
• list of buyers who subscribed to the company
• list of partners
• section of payment and contacts
• a link to the company's personal website, if available
• information on the number of suppliers (in private)
The client is entitled to:
- Publish goods and services;
- Advertise your products and services on the resource;
- Advertise on the page of your company both your goods and services, and third parties;
- Post informational posts and videos in the feed, both promotional and general;
- Get a list of users with similar interests;
- Get a list of companies broken down by region;
- Get a list of companies registered as wholesalers;
- You get a block of joint purchases.
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