lbs kg converter

Convert all kind of units such as weight units: lbs to kg or kilograms to pounds

Total ratings

4.73 (Rating count: 3,307)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use and intuitive interface
  • Accurate conversions between lbs and kg
  • No intrusive ads while using the app
  • Handy for switching between measurement units
  • Great for specific use cases like workout or medication
  • Some users desire a simpler decimal conversion option
  • Minor issues with the interface, such as changing between units being clumsy
  • Privacy concerns related to app permissions
Most mentioned
  • Works great for converting between lbs and kg
  • Quick and easy to use
  • Recommended for its functionality
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.80
All time rating average: 4.73
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Date Author Rating Comment
Chantell Thunderblanket
Awesome app! If I ever lose my phone I will be downloading this app for sure! Works great!
Kawika83 Gois
Awesome it works as it supposed to t. And is very accurate.
Dan Brewster
Could not be easier, nor quicker to convert kilos tobpounds ans visa versa.
Greg Newberry
I really like the versatility and the layout design. Well done to the author. Very handy app.
Joseph Hall
Easy to use app for converting lbs to kg. My adjustable dumbells are in kg, so this app is a necessity for making a quick conversion to lbs.
Guillermo Andres
Great app. for your weight scale converter when it reads in kg. only, many times apps don't always work to your expectations, although this does, recommend it if you need it to work it the way it was meant to,😉
George Stockwell
I haven't been using this app for long. I simply wanted a quick and easy way to convert Lbs to Kg's. This app is crackerlackin.
Fred Daugherty
Used to convert kg to lbs for my dog's medication. Couldn't have been easier. What a great app.
David Bailey
Use this app because my shipper decided to start putting gross weight in KG. I needed to know when I would need to scale my loads. Overweight is not good.
tyler donlon
No pesky ads I love it, cause nothing is more annoying then working out in a new country an having to wait to see what you're going to or just lifted
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