Onet Poczta

Onet Poczta is a mail application to handle all e-mails and accounts on

Onet Poczta - All-in-One Mail App

"Onet Poczta" is a versatile mail application designed to simplify the management of all your email accounts. With features like push notifications, one-click login, integrated inbox, and advanced spam filters, it provides a seamless experience for reading, replying, and sending emails. Easily attach files, mark important messages, and access your contacts in one place. Experience reliable email service tailored to your needs by signing up for a free account at
Install from Google Play Store

App stats

Version: 3.3.2 (Last updated: 2024-12-02)
Version code: 393
Creation date: 2023-04-12
  • android.permission.ACCESS_ADSERVICES_AD_ID
  • android.permission.ACCESS_ADSERVICES_TOPICS
  • android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
  • android.permission.CAMERA
  • android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE
  • android.permission.INTERNET
  • android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS
  • android.permission.READ_CONTACTS
  • android.permission.READ_MEDIA_AUDIO
  • See more
Size: 30.46M


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App summary

Mobile Onet Poczta always with You!

Onet Poczta is a free and intuitive mail application.

Our application allows you to handle all your Onet’s email accounts at once. Viewing, reading, replying to emails and attaching files is now easier than ever! Just a single click to add a mailbox and enjoy all the benefits of Onet Poczta.

Key features:
✻ push notifications for incoming e-mail
✻ login to your mail account with just one click
✻ the ability to configure multiple mailboxes
✻ integrated inbox - all emails in one place!
✻ send files from your phone and other services as attachments
✻ fast search
✻ easy access to all your contacts from your mailbox and telephone
✻ marking important e-mails with an asterisk

Onet Poczta is a free, safe mailbox with advanced spam filters and the possibility of sending large attachments - try it today! Create a free account at and get e-mail reliable and adapted to your needs.

User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • New version has improvements in login frequency and timely notifications.
  • Better interface compared to the old version.
  • User expresses satisfaction with the app overall.
  • Frequent login errors and issues with unknown errors preventing access.
  • Performance issues such as slow loading times and freezing.
  • Problems with connectivity and accessing emails, including empty folder errors.
  • Lack of functionality like text copying from emails.
Most mentioned
  • Cannot log in due to unknown errors.
  • Frequent performance issues and app freezing.
  • Connectivity issues, including messages about lack of internet.
User reviews
Nowa wersja aplikacji to jakis zart. Po pierwsze za kazdym razem przy otwarciu bardzo długo się ładuje ( wcześniej tego problemu nie bylo). Po drugie prawie za każdym razem pokazuje mi brak połączenia z internetem( internet działa prawidłowo i żadna inna aplikacja nie ma problemu). Po trzecie, WIELOKROTNIE pokazuje że wybrany folder jest pusty , muszę zamknąć aplikację i otworzyć ponownie żeby zobaczyć maile. Do tego pojawia się problem z wysyłaniem wiadomości.NIE POLECAM
by TL J, 2024-08-17

The app stopped working. Can't login
by Marcin Mludzik, 2024-07-23

Czy można dodać opcję kopiowania tekstu z wiadomości email? Nie można nic skopiować ani zaznaczyć. Telefon OnePlus Nord2T, Android 14
by Antoni Golos, 2024-06-25
View all user reviews

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