Fundacja Wielkopolskie Wioślar

Get access to current results, start lists and other information

Fundacja Wielkopolskie Wioślar App

Fundacja Wielkopolskie Wioślar is an Android application that provides access to current results, start lists, and essential information for rowing regattas. It enables users to track races in real time and offers push notifications to communicate important updates during events.

App stats

Users: 3,426
Version: 1.4 (Last updated: 2023-05-02)
Creation date: 2017-10-19

Other platforms

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Not available on Firefox
Not available on Edge
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App summary

The application allows you to obtain access to current results, start lists and other information related to rowing regattas supported by the Foundation of Greater Rowing.
With the help of the application it is possible to track the course of the race in real time. The application supports push-notifications by which important information is transmitted during the regatta.