
VeWorld: Ultimate vechain wallet. Manage tokens, NFTs & multiple accounts

Total ratings

4.55 (Rating count: 7,553)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Nice user interface and easy to use
  • Good wallet for staking options
  • Transferring funds is relatively easy
  • Displayed balance in dollars is inaccurate
  • Frequent bugs and crashing issues
  • Difficulties in creating or importing wallets
  • No clear instructions for using certain features
Most mentioned
  • App crashes or fails to load properly
  • Inability to create or import a wallet
  • Issues with displaying accurate balance and fees
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.20
All time rating average: 4.55
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Date Author Rating Comment
Andrew Redmile
Nice ui, very easy to use. A good staking option for a very promising project. Great real World potential.
a. p.
Looks nice and does what it's supposed to, but after all these years, the displayed balance in dollars never close to accurate. For example right now it says the price of vet is .0361 but it's .0431. But it shows the value of my holdings in dollars as if the price was .046. Just all over the place. The vechain thor wallet was usually much closer to the current price
Good Wallet. Nice layout, easy to use . The UI is simple and easy to navigate.
Ahzam Khoyratee
The old vechain app worked well. VEworld has been awful. Screen freezes after the biometric input (thumb print) and cannot go any further. I have my phrase but can't access anything to input. Please fix this! S22 ultra. Staying at 1 star till sorted 5/11/24
johnny Herrera
the app is not updated from my phone samsung s22 ultra!!!!
James Ryle
I put a screen protector on my phone so now the app won't let me use it because I removed the thumb print. Why can I use a pin or my face biometric
Casey Diggins
I don't know what I'm doing it's complex it's probably easy for most but hard for me I guess I know there step by step instructions but when you read them there not very clear is to where to go. just so much reading
Stephen Suszczynski
Very clusterphobic design from my experience so far, I wanted to see if I could withdraw some Vechain to coinbase but I didn't have enough gas since the account is newer, but nowhere does it show me how to add more so now I just have a few crypto kinda sitting in there
Deb H S
Unable to create a new wallet or import an existing wallet. Please fix it. Previous wallet stopped working it wouldn't load at all. I deleted cashe uninstalled restarted phone and reinstalled. It still doesn't work
Brad Mason
Extraordinarily annoying to try to just send all your VTHO out of the wallet. Normally, an app might just have an option to take the fee out of the withdrawal amount. Not so in veworld though! Here, you need to do math and also assume there's a part of the fee that you can't see, since everything is displayed in a 72pt font.
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