Brown Noise sphincter Farter

The Brown Fart App (The power to make people loose control of their Bowels)

Brown Noise sphincter Farter

App stats

Users: 629
Version: 1.2 (Last updated: 2016-01-20)
Creation date: 2015-11-09

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App summary

The brown note is supposed to be the resonant frequency of the human digestive system, somewhere in the sub-sonic range. When played back loudly enough, this note possibly may cause a loss of sphincter control... Different versions of the myth place the frequency between 2 and 20 Hz, and recent variations claim that the effect has been produced at loud rock concerts.
By extension, the term also refers to any infrasound note that can create disorientation or nausea.

Use this App to unleash the power of the Brown note.


Use on unwelcome guests , annoying family members or even Friends. Perfect for livening up a dull family function or boring work event.
Use the brown App and watch the chaos as people embarrassingly loose control of all bodily functions.

Can also be used as a laxative.

Don't forget to touch the poo on the toilet seat ,and press the handle on the toilet to flush he poo away.

User reviews

At first when I ate nothing it just felt weird but after I ate something I had to run to the bathroom(lol) It almost forces you to poop when you have it on speakers or on headphones so be careful for the same thing that happened to me may happen to you.(if you do be ready)
by Daniel Robbins, 2021-03-01

by A Google user, 2018-04-16

This app personally made me poop really bad l was constantly using restroom like l had laxatives. I was holding my poop but yet it was pushing and it was shifting sensation with so much pressure.
by A Google user, 2017-12-17
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