Off-Road Clinometer

Clinometer ( inclinometer ) for offroad vehicle use

Total ratings

4.09 (Rating count: 786)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • User-friendly and feature-rich for off-roading
  • Developer is responsive to feedback and issues
  • Works well for many users when properly calibrated
  • Inconsistent performance and accuracy, especially when the device rotates
  • Issues with intrusive ads and ads displaying while not in use
  • Sensitivity settings need improvement to better suit users' needs
Most mentioned
  • Performance issues relating to device rotation
  • Complaints about intrusive ads
  • Requests for better customization options and themes
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.90
All time rating average: 4.09
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Date Author Rating Comment
Matthew Anderson
$6 for unlocked version of a buggy app is not reasonable. Un-installed and chose something else.
Andi Gunawan
This is what I'm look for, complete feature, similar with real product for offroader, user-friendly, accomodate for user's customizing
Ray Wyrick
We use it often with our side by side to stay safe. It always seems to perform very well for us.
gasper strle
Would it be possible to change schematics on the left, so car would be fixed on screen and only dial and "crosshair" would rotate to represent virtual horizon? Just like in the airplane
Doesnt allow you to rotate the phone to have a better view. Update: developer listens to their reviews. Way better UI and able to rotate my phone.
Agus Helmi
Very good, I wish you have bicycle as vehicle icon
Avery Olmstead
Works well. I'd like more options, like different themes and a landscape mode, but other than cosmetics and such this is a great tool for off-road driving
Beast mann
The UI looks really good and works well enough on portrait mode but when using landscape no matter what setting I choose the roll is twice as much as the actual and the pitch only shows downhill even when going uphill. Using a Samsung S10
Seth Woodmass
Use this app all the time I go offroading, works very well, I was reading some comments on how the sensitivity was to high but you can actually change it. This app definitely deserves 5 stars
A Google user
Would give it a 5 if I could get it to run in the background and still hear the warnings
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