
Fun learning quizzes on all subjects for primary school

Total ratings

3.79 (Rating count: 30,370)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Great educational content
  • Useful for children's learning and improvement
  • Fun for kids
  • App frequently freezes or crashes
  • High subscription cost
  • Bugs and poor performance on certain devices
  • Hidden advertisements for premium content
Most mentioned
  • Freezing and crashing issues
  • High price for subscription
  • Great educational content
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.40
All time rating average: 3.79
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Date Author Rating Comment
People pay for this!? We tried it today. This is the worst educational app we have tried. It's not clear when you have completed an exercise, my daughter got so frustrated with the catapult because she couldn't get it to hit the answer. There are far better free apps out there people.
Ali Can Kaya
Nice app but stopped subscription because of too many uneducational mini games, and very expensive.
This is probably the worst app I every saw in my life. It doesn't even work. You have to pay to much money and you can't even log in on you're other device ot suck it should be fixed
Pietro Giordano
The app has many bugs on Chromebook, the keyboard does not show up so we cannot write the answers, videos do not work. Please fix the bugs as this is a paid application
Helen M.
The App does not work very well((( The game is not bad but it is very expensive for school hours!!! (When kids should be busy with it? During school pause s?) Try periode is also not possible (you can not stop the abonnement first 30 days, and should stop it 30 before the first possible stop-datum. In this case minimum abonnement is 2 months! Very slim!!!). I did not give the permission for automatic bank transfer but it is just happen! Not user friendly at all!
J Otten
Nice app when it works. It freezes on my son's Samsung tablet and it doesn't keep an accurate track of the time my son spends on the app or different learning activities to match with the goals we set each week.
Arno Gideonse
Good platform for our little one, but it's in my opinion "not done" to have hidden advertisements for a service with a (significant) premium fee: reading books to children in an exciting way and tell them to look for the book to find out how it ends. It should this mention in-app advertisements. For that reason just 3 stars...
roro H
its a good game you could learn super quick some stuff but i want that you have squla premium without to buy it
Kees Kranendonk
Great content, horrible app update policy. Squla basically forces users to continuously buy new devices. I now have seen squla die on four devices in less than a year, including my phone running Android 9. No consideration at all for people who wish to get along with otherwise fine devices and offers no solutions for paying customers Do NOT Recommend to pay for this
Layla Aissaoui-Hester
The content is absolutely great, but the app constantly freezes and even after force stopping the app I often only get it to work after doing this 6 or more times. That wouldn't be a big deal for free apps, but we pay monthly for this so I find this rather unacceptable. Please fix it so I don't have to stop the subscription.
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