
A good habit to protect the earth, with Blue Olive


App stats

Users: 1
Version: 1.0.1 (Last updated: 2022-10-18)
Creation date: 2022-10-11

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App summary

Blue Olive for Carbon Free is the first app to provide personal carbon information.
- Blue Olive is the world's first premium partnership brand that supports the UN and EU climate goals and connects individuals and businesses acting to reduce carbon.

Blue Olive is working hard to save the planet.
- You can check your personal carbon information through Blue Olive and be introduced to the best eco-friendly brands in Korea, plastic-reducing products, vegan products, eco-friendly packaging products, and low-carbon products suitable for your carbon reduction efforts.

Many companies are protecting the earth with Blue Olive.
- Blue Olive creates a sustainable production-consumption virtuous cycle partnership of sustainable individual carbon reduction efforts and eco-friendly companies supporting it.

Please join Blue Olive to save the earth.
- After receiving personal carbon information, you can be appointed as a global carbon reduction activist that implements the UN SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).