Happy Tower

PLAY Happy Tower NOW - build your business - economical strategy on-line 10.000!

Build Your Business in Happy Tower - Strategy Game

"Happy Tower" is an engaging online strategy game where players build a skyscraper, manage resources, and employ virtual workers to create prosperous businesses. With no limit to the number of storeys, you strategically allocate space for residential and commercial purposes. Players must choose employees wisely, maintain product availability, and ensure customer satisfaction to maximize profits. The game operates in real-time, allowing for continuous income generation even when you’re offline. Test your skills now for free!
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App stats

Version: 6.8.9 (Last updated: 2024-07-31)
Creation date: 2013-07-01
  • receive data from Internet
  • view network connections
  • full network access
  • run at startup
  • prevent device from sleeping


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App summary

Happy Tower game is a browser online strategy game. It attracts attention by its plot and economic details. More than 10.000 people play the game at the same time.

Your purpose is to build a Happy Tower. Number of storeys is unlimited. You just need to have enough resources for building each storey.

Coins and banknotes are two main forms of currency in the game. After building of each storey a player has to decide what to locate on this floor.
You can allot the floor for living area or choose one of the business fields.
For example entertainment, art or food.

Your employees they live in the living area of your skyscraper.
Keep in mind that the virtual workers of the Happy Tower have different talents and preferences as in reality. Somebody is good at selling of biscuits others are trained to work in entertainment.

You can see the qualifications of each worker as soon as he or she moves into the building. In order to increase sales in the certain business you should select your employees with all responsibility.

Moreover all of your subordinates have jobs which they dream about. These workaholics should be appointed to appropriate posts in the first place.
Customers will come and you should take them on the right floor.

For this purpose there is a lift which you operate by yourself. For proper treatment customers can tip you in coins or even bucks besides purchasing.
Every field of business has its goods. And you have to monitor the availability of products. If not failure at business leads to decrease in profit. Producing goods takes real time.

There is an opportunity to accelerate the process by paying. All depends on demand and cost.

Furthermore building is in real-time mode. The higher the more time the construction of each storey takes.

Though you may accelerate constructing with help of money. And VIP-clients could help if you convey them on the right floor.

There is no need to play permanently — the game goes on after quitting.
So you always earn coins but getting bucks needs your real participation in life of the Happy Tower.

The game provides lots of tool to control business and monitor the mood of the tenants.

At first glance the game may look like a boring and monotonous one. But after building the tenth storey, establishing the business and moving into you will have to look after different sides of the game taking into consideration income and spending.

As soon as it is free everyone can test yourself.

User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Engaging gameplay that is fun and different
  • Ability to connect and play with friends
  • No advertisements in the game
  • Simple and easy to play
  • Well-designed and elegant interface
  • High cost of in-game purchases
  • Poor customer support
  • Game requires real money to progress
  • Confusing rules and game mechanics
  • Issues with password recovery and account access
Most mentioned
  • Need to spend real money to progress
  • Friendly interactions with other players
  • Support is unhelpful and rude
  • Game becomes addictive
  • Lagging issues during gameplay
User reviews
I've been playing this game for over 2 years now, and I still love it just as much as I did before. I've met countless amazing people and built the most wonderful city together with my friends. However the developers are greedy, they just want our money. The total number of players has decreased over the years, and the devs are trying to squeeze out as much money as possible from the people who are left. And for me who is a free to play player that is not very easy... My game city is Stockholm
by Unlucky Tortol, 2024-03-25

I enjoy playing this game and talking with people all over the glob, but sometimes when people direct message they are weird. A nother great thing is that they are no ads
by גילה תמימה, 2023-07-20

Game has users as admin and worst admin is "Naughty Town" who will simply put you in ban list even if u give ur opinion about the game. U need to spend real money to progress and game has nothing new to offer as u progress.
by Afraaz Shaikh, 2023-03-11
View all user reviews

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