mMoney budget manager

Personal finance manager and expense tracker.

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Recent rating average: 3.67
All time rating average: undefined

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Date Author Rating Comment
Ashok Kataria
Not much good...Option of transfer between accounts is not available..
No sub-categories. No budgeting.
Serhii Kyrychenko
Після оновлення не можу додавати нові транзакціі - викидає з додатку. Я вже понад чотири роки користуюсь і планую користуватись надалі, коли знову буде можливість :)
A Google user
Good application!
A Google user
Just what I needed.. simple app to keep track of money spent when on Holiday. Once catergories were set up.. all I needed was [add entry] , type in amount, select currency & what it was spent on (could also add notes for more info) I would've only given 3-4* since I never give 5 for an app, but developer support (for another app of his that I tried) was top notch & this app was given as a replacement/suggestion & fitted my needs better
A Google user
Easy to use for tracking and simple analysis of your personal costs. What I really don't like - the app all of a sudden just hidden my entries for month ago, saying that I should buy paid account to view my data. It would be nice at least to know it in advance.