
7 digits of abacus.

Total ratings

1.29 (Rating count: 571)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Helpful for students who can't afford a physical abacus
  • Good for learning and understanding abacus concepts
  • Convenient to use when a physical abacus is not available
  • User-friendly and supportive for beginners
  • Works well for practicing mathematics
  • Glitches and technical issues reported
  • Graphics and background need improvement
  • Some users experienced functionality problems after updates
  • Limited content available for users who are beginners
  • App reliability varies across different Android versions
Most mentioned
  • Glitches and issues with app functionality
  • Need for better graphics and customization options
  • Positive impact on learning and understanding abacus
  • Convenience of using the app without a physical abacus
  • Wishes for additional content and features
See reviews for Abacus on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.90
All time rating average: 1.29
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Rating filters

5 star
62% (13)
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10% (2)
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5% (1)
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10% (2)
1 star
14% (3)
Date Author Rating Comment
Snehal Mogare
Very usefull app..if we dont have abacus wid us we can easily use it
Ganesh Rathi
It's good can you please add color choice options in this so that user will make changes accordingly as some time colorful abacus is very attractive to children and it's seems good as well
Anu Vinod
Its really glitching and quality is not clear please fix that
h p a jagath
It is amazing. I have been teaching abacus maths for kids since six year. I do appreciate this great production.
royce quinones
This app gives me an enwrgy in mt brain ti use mathematics,PLS ADD LESSON FOR THOSE WHO DOESN'T KNOW. Feedback! I already know abacus.
Fazal Shaik
App is nice. But background and graphics needs to be improved a lot.
Htckasasa KasasaHTC
Fantastic, just needs more content.
Shree_Ashish Kumar Khatua
For me this app is not working as showing in the video of this app
Arpita Mohanty
Best ever app my brother was not able to understand abacus and because he didn't have abacus scale he also couldn't practice do I downloaded it and now he has very good in abacus .
Really nice app for ABACUS students to understand and read ABACUS thanks to who made it . It is really helping me to understand it thank you so much
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