한전 파워플래너

Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) provides electricity usage information provided by the application of AMI Customers

한전 파워플래너 - 실시간 전기 사용 정보 앱

한전 파워플래너는 KEPCO가 개발한 앱으로, AMI 설치 고객에게 실시간 전기 사용량 및 요금 정보를 제공하여 전기 비용 절감과 효율적인 에너지 관리를 지원합니다. 주요 기능으로는 사용량 분석, 비용 예측, 패턴 분석 등을 제공하며, 고객은 앱을 통해 손쉽게 전기 사용을 모니터링하고 관리할 수 있습니다.
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Version: 1.1.55 (Last updated: 2024-12-11)


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App summary

This app developed by Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) provides real-time electricity usage information (usage, charge) and various analysis and statistical information to customers who have installed AMI (Smart Power Metering Infrastructure) instruments, which enables customers to plan electricity usage and It is an information service to help you save electricity bills.

1. Customers who can use the power planner service
(General customers) Customers who have a remote meter reading infrastructure (hereinafter referred to as AMI) for each generation and can communicate normally
(New and renewable customers) Customers who have installed communication facilities such as modems in KEPCO's electricity meters, such as countervailing customers
※ Currently, there are approximately 7 million of the 22 million customers nationwide, and the AMI is gradually being built in line with the construction plans of 15 enterprises (additional 4 million in 2019)

2. Customers who cannot use the power planner service
○ Non-AMI customers (power planners for non-AMI customers will open around October)
○ Each household contracted as a high-pressure apartment (for customers who include electricity bills in the apartment management fee)

3. Power planner service availability check and registration
○ Power planner web, app can be used to check whether or not to build. (10 digit customer number required)

4. Main functions
(General Customer) Home (Smart View), Fee (Real Time, Estimated Fee, Past Charge), Real Time Usage (by Time Zone, By Day, By Month), Usage Comparison (Neighbor Comparison), Consumption Pattern, Others
(Offset customer) Added surplus power indication to general customer function

[Home: Smart View]
Comprehensive information such as usage (cumulative monthly, daily and recent hourly usage), charges (monthly forecast and previous month charges), and maximum demand power (peak) per month

Real-time charges, monthly expected charges, past monthly charges

Time/Day/Day (Monthly) metering information (usage, power factor, etc.) provided in tables and charts

[Comparison of usage]
We provide graphs of our home, neighborhood, average, etc.

[Pattern Analysis]
Provides statistical analysis information of usage patterns by time zone/day/month by table and chart

Provision of notification (push) function: Provides target usage excess/progressive grade entry/maximum demand power notification, other notifications, usage target setting function

5. Procedures (see Power Planner User Guide for details)
1) After downloading the Power Planner app, check whether AMI is built and register to use it
2) Inquiry about service availability through entering customer number (10 digits) or electricity meter (11 digits)
3) For real-time service-capable customers, use registration process
-Mobile number must be registered in user or payer information registered in KEPCO contract information
※ If the mobile phone number is different, it is necessary to change it after contacting the customer center (☏123) or a nearby office.
-Can be used to register customer number after registering as an existing cyber branch (http://cyber.kepco.co.kr)
※ Register as a customer number in My Kepco after registering as a cyber branch member (personal/corporate/company service, etc.)
-Customers who cannot service in real time cannot sign up
※ Power planner service for non-AMI construction is scheduled to be completed in October.
4) Identification of sms information when executing registration for registration (must match the mobile phone number of KEPCO contract information)
5) After completing registration, log in and use Power Planner

User reviews

고객번호는 왜 쓰는걸까요 누가 이걸 기억한다고.. 그리고 고객번호 찾기해서 찾았는데 중간에 별표로 표기해두면 그 부분은 또 어떻게 찾아요?
by Cedric Kim, 2022-07-05

실시간 사용량 체크해보려고 깔았는데 아무것도 안나옴.. 그냥 무늬만 앱이고 월별사용량 말고는 볼 수 있는게 아무것도 없음
by 안뇽, 2021-07-15
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