The original Monster Hunter RPG is available on smartphones!
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Review summary
- Fun and engaging gameplay
- Rich story and character-driven narrative
- Beautiful graphics and art style
- Turn-based combat system is enjoyable and adds depth
- Good overall value for the price
- Audio issues, including skipping and glitches
- Frequent crashes and instability
- Inconsistent save features and need for manual saving
- Lack of controller support
- Problems with online battles and connectivity
Most mentioned
- Audio problems
- Crashes and app instability
- Need for manual saving
- Rich story and engaging gameplay
- Desire for controller support
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Date | Author | Rating | Comment |
2024-02-05 | I have to say I'm a long time MH fan and this has been one of the best mobile experiences I have had lately. I am having a blast and don't want to put it down. Honestly, the only problem I am having is there an audio problem with the dialogue and music skipping or taking longer than the scene. Especially in battles. Not sure what needs to be done to fix it, however it's annoying and I just turn the sound off at this point. if fixed this will be pretty much perfect. | ||
2023-07-18 | This experience is awesome to be in a game with qualities that can change. I love the side missions after the main game is beat because it means the game is not over. There is more to do, and honestly, Monster Hunter Stories, which are foe 3ds and mobile phones, should also be on Nintendo Switch. The big difference is that any player would notice that the monsters look realistic and / or scary. But that's okay because we already have the cool, less scary version & definitely want to ride it out. | ||
2023-05-19 | Loved this game on the 3ds and absolutely love it on mobile. Phone screens have surpassed the 3ds, so the higher resolution is appreciated. I just wish Capcom added more ports to the playstore. Like more monster hunter games, and some megaman games from the DS. And controller compatibility would be a game changer. Because for right now, the best thing I can do is map controls to the touch screen controls. | ||
2023-03-29 | This game is actually pretty fun too play, decent story, awesome Monsters and just an A+ game. The reason I don't rate it 5 stars is because alot of times if you play for a longer period of time, or even sometimes just randomly the app will close itself and you risk losing all your progress up too your previous save point. If you are used too auto saving games then you forget too save as often, though even when you do save it is a bit frustrating to have too save every 10 minutes.. | ||
2022-06-28 | As a casual Monster Hunter fan, I find MH Stories to be an interesting spin on the main games. There are many familiar elements but they are well attuned to the turn-based battle system. Really liking the character-driven narrative here (unlike in the main games). Would've been an easy 5/5 if not for the constant audio glitches. Whenever there's a lot of sound going on at the same time, such as in town or during combat, they just wouldn't play properly. And the problem only gets worse over time. | ||
2022-01-28 | This is a very fun game, and absolutely not made redundant by the sequel on switch. I could go on about everything good about the game itself for a very long time. But as a's not great. After a few days of playing, the audio now skips every time a new sound (like walking) would play. I've tried every fix I can, both inside and outside of the game. No audio device or in game audio setting will fix it. It's so maddening I have to play without audio. | ||
2021-11-25 | This is one of if not the best game I've played on Android. There's a big, unique world to explore with a rich story. The turn-based combat seems simple at first, but gets more nuanced as you advance in abilities and monsters. spent almost 70 hours on the game, and I didn't do all the subquests or the endgame content. I didn't have the saving glitches some experienced. I found some missions didn't trigger properly so I'd have to cancel it and start anew. Other than that it was bug free. | ||
2021-11-11 | Great story line and awesome effects! The only reason why this isn't a 5-star review is because there's a terrible audio glitch/lag. I have a galaxy note 10 with a well-functioning speaker, but the lag gets much worse in some areas, like Gildegaran and Dovan Volcano. It gets so bad that I either play without sound, which is frustratingly annoying, or skip the quests in those areas. | ||
2020-10-27 | PLEASE add controller support, it's something this game really needs as it was originally designed to work on something with physical controls. I appreciate the effort put into making good on-screen controls but it's impossible to replace physical ones and it would let us spend more time looking at the amazing game you created rather than having our hands cover it up. | ||
2020-03-11 | I love it. Really an awesome game. Anyone complaing about graphics doesnt seem to realize this is a nintendo 3ds port. Only problem is capcom not revamping the save feature for mobile. They left it as the original which means you have to save in certain areas (e.g. town). Thats great, for the ds. Not if your playing on a phone and it decides to act as such and requires your attention elsewhere which results in lost progress. So one star reduction. I wish they would "fix" this. |
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