The story of a single night, lost memories, and a lost life.

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kate the vampire
ALWAYS crashing. Usually during those segments when the screen is black with Sissel's dialogue & a animation just starts to play, which is especially annoying since most of them are after you just finish a puzzle & the autosave hasn't kicked in. Manual saving doesn't help since if I save in the middle of a puzzle & load, it brings me to the start of the section. Not even sure if I finished the demo since it keeps crashing after saving Lynne. I started yesterday & have had 8ish crashes so far.
Shiki Misaki
When I try to launch the game after installing the additional shows a blank screen for a bit before crashing despite Google play saying my device is compatible with it.but yet it works on my old grandma's phone from 2021 even though my mines is from a later year and should work as it meets the requirements I was told