The story of a single night, lost memories, and a lost life.

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5.00 (Rating count: 39)
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Recent rating average: 4.60
All time rating average: 5.00

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Isaac Sorrechia Duarte
The genius Shu Takumi strikes again! Ghost Trick is charming, hilarious, unnerving and heartbreaking. In this title, you follow a lost soul in search of the truth about his identity and death. By using your titular "ghost tricks", you can solve a variety of challenging puzzles while meeting the most eccentric and colorful characters along the way. Highly recommended, although CAPCOM's insistance in requiring an internet connection to even open their single player games continues to baffle me.
Loved this game on DS, and it's an excellent port with all kinds of extras. It may be a pricey game, but if you never played it before, the story alone is incredibly worth it, much less the creative puzzles in it as well.
Shabbir Patel
great game , but you need to be online, which doesn't make sense, it's fine on a phone but a problem if you try and play on a tablet without access to the internet when you travel. Capcom being Capcom as usual
Dominic Thattil
Great port but on a galaxy z fold there is one major issue. The game is formatted as 4:3 within a 16:9 letterbox. This wouldn't be an issue on a regular phone screen but on a fold screen it makes the game screen super tiny in the middle of the screen. If the app could be updated to have an option remove the letterbox entirely and just be a proper 4:3 on my screen, it would fix the issue. Hoping somewhere down the line this can be implemented but until then it's gonna be hard playing this game.
Joe Caballero
Best Shu Takumi Game now available for mobile, unfortunately can't be played offline.