DSW - Calculadora de Ganhos: Maximize Your Earnings
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App summary
DSW helps the Application Driver to optimize their earnings by capturing data on R$/KM and R$/H of races from the main app-based racing platforms. Additionally, when capture is active, the app will also record a history of the races received.
DSW uses the Accessibility Service exclusively to read racing app screens and captures the following data:
- Platform (app where you received the race)
- Distance
- Travel time (boarding + disembarking time)
- Total winnings
- Earnings of R$/KM (calculated based on total earnings, travel time and distance)
- Earnings of R$/HOUR (calculated based on total earnings, travel time and distance)
- Destination (to be saved in your local history for later consultation)
Supported Apps:
- Uber Driver
- 99 Driver
- InDrive
- Rappi
- Bolt (Portugal only)
Accessibility Permission Alert:
To work, DSW requires the user to grant accessibility permissions so that DSW can obtain data from racing apps' calling cards.