DSW - Calculadora de Ganhos

Earn up to +30% with real-time dynamic earnings and rate calculations!

DSW - Calculadora de Ganhos: Maximize Your Earnings

"DSW - Calculadora de Ganhos" is an Android app designed for application drivers to enhance their earnings by capturing and analyzing R$/KM and R$/H data from popular racing platforms. By leveraging accessibility services, it records essential race details such as platform, distance, travel time, total winnings, and more. Supporting apps include Uber Driver, 99 Driver, InDrive, Rappi, and Bolt (Portugal only), ensuring drivers can maximize their earnings effectively.
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App stats

Version: 2.5 (Last updated: 2025-01-16)


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App summary

DSW helps the Application Driver to optimize their earnings by capturing data on R$/KM and R$/H of races from the main app-based racing platforms. Additionally, when capture is active, the app will also record a history of the races received.


DSW uses the Accessibility Service exclusively to read racing app screens and captures the following data:

- Platform (app where you received the race)
- Distance
- Travel time (boarding + disembarking time)
- Total winnings
- Earnings of R$/KM (calculated based on total earnings, travel time and distance)
- Earnings of R$/HOUR (calculated based on total earnings, travel time and distance)
- Destination (to be saved in your local history for later consultation)

Supported Apps:
- Uber Driver
- 99 Driver
- InDrive
- Rappi
- Bolt (Portugal only)

Accessibility Permission Alert:

To work, DSW requires the user to grant accessibility permissions so that DSW can obtain data from racing apps' calling cards.

User reviews

Gosto dele, mas quando coloco o App da Uber em inglês, ele não faz mais a leitura do card.
by Lucas Tavares, 2024-12-17

era bom agora.... um lixo
by luis luis, 2024-08-17

Great helpener.
by Romante Rodrigues, 2024-08-13
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