HSBC HK Business Express

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Total ratings

3.71 (Rating count: 1,307)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fingerprint authorization is very helpful for some users.
  • Works well for basic functionalities for some users.
  • Secure options for international business.
  • App frequently crashes and has severe loading issues.
  • Users experience continuous loops and bugs related to updates.
  • Mobile security key function is not working for many users.
  • Password manager compatibility issues make logging in cumbersome.
  • Limited functionality and bugs result in reliance on desktop banking.
Most mentioned
  • Can't open the app or it crashes frequently.
  • Issues with updates leading to inability to access account.
  • Performance is slow and buggy, causing frustration.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.40
All time rating average: 3.71
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Date Author Rating Comment
Charles Yeomans
Slow Prefer using PC but they force you into mobile
app fails to load, says i need to update it, go to play store and click update, just stays pending forever now i cant access banking from the website (needs,the app to auth), or from the mobile app bank security fail
Jamal Qureshi
App is dead after update. No support!
Eros T
I can't open the app after Android 15 updated.
Saurin Shah
After opening page of App Privacy notice, it doesn't move to the next page of login only... 😓 Tried many times of Install/Uninstall from Store & by QR Code also, but result is the same.
Alan Zeng
Terrible app and bank. Gave an error saying transaction couldn't be processed. I tried a second time, same error. I check later and both transactions had actually went through, and HSBC just says there is nothing they can do. So they can be careless with my money and wipe their hands of all responsibility.
Erdi Tac
I can't even open the freaking app after the latest update. You can't afford quality developers or what It has been 2 MONTHS and still nothing is fixed, customer service can't help, tech dept replies once in 3 weeks.... Never had such a bad experience with a bank Edit: 4 months no fix, they always send apology emails. Edit: 6 months still no solution, fml Edit: 10 months still no fix. This could be the worst IT department in the whole world
Daniel Eun
This has to be the buggiest app ever. It always crashes, gets flagged for excessive battery usage, etc. I wish for a world where I didn't need to use this... I genuinely feel like it accounts for at least 10% of my daily stress of running business, which is pretty sad
Hiral Gosalia
The app keeps crashing. I clear cache stoll it keeps crashing. only when I restart the phone the app works for 1 time. after logging out or closing the app next time try to open it. it will keep crashing until I restart my phone. I do not experience this with other apps only this app.
Godfrey Ho
Can't open app. The app stays on the loading page with Victoria Harbor background, and the loading indicator stops. After a while the app stop responding and the Android system asked me to Close app or Wait. Practically my account is locked as I cannot login nor use the security code.
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