
The 112 Reporting App is a service that allows you to quickly and accurately report to the police in emergency situations using phone calls, text messages, recordings, and videos.

112신고앱 - Emergency Reporting Made Easy

112신고앱 is an Android application designed for emergency reporting to the police. It enables users to quickly and accurately report incidents through phone calls, text messages, audio recordings, or video. The app automatically sends user and location information to ensure swift assistance and features a variety of functions, including a scam call feature, a whistle for alerting, and the ability to review report details. It enhances safety and responsiveness in critical situations.
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By: 경찰청
Version: (Last updated: 2025-01-02)
Creation date: 2024-06-17


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App summary

▷ The 112 Reporting App is a service that allows you to quickly and accurately report to the police in emergency situations such as crimes or various incidents/accidents using phone calls, text messages, recordings, and videos.
▷ When reporting using the 112 reporting app, user information and location information are automatically sent to 112, enabling quick and accurate rescue.
▷ You must enter accurate user information.

*Detailed functions
- Enter user information: Save user information in the terminal.
- Telephone report: User information and location information are automatically transmitted, and the 112 dial screen is displayed.
- Text report: You can enter the report details and attach photos, videos, and audio files. When reporting, the report is automatically sent to 112 along with user information and location information.
- 10-second recording report: Surrounding sounds are recorded for 10 seconds and automatically sent to 112 along with user information and location information.
- Video report: User information and location information are automatically transmitted, and 112 is connected to the video report.
-Scam phone call: A spoof call is received at a scheduled time and prevents crimes by pretending to be talking to someone.
- Whistle: Prevents crimes by making a whistle sound.
- My Report Inquiry: Enter the report date and report number to view report processing details within the past year.
- Floating button: A 112 report floating button appears above other apps.
If you press it for more than 3 seconds, a 10-second recording report will be activated.

User reviews

경찰관님들 고생이 많으십니다. 감사합니다.
by Peter Byun, 2021-03-29

That app is not working they are not human beings dogs birds insects
by A Google user, 2017-01-18

실행하면 바로 지피에스실행됩니다 그런데 제가 첨 사용할때 실수로 길게 눌러버려서ㅠㅠ취소버튼이라도 만들어주셨으면 좋겠어요ㅠㅠ
by A Google user, 2016-08-06
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