"Calendar Ortodox" is an Android app designed for Orthodox Christians, offering information on religious holidays, fasting days, and church ordinances. With a user-friendly interface, it displays current dates, allows navigation through months, and includes features like notifications for holidays and a widget for quick access. Stay connected to key spiritual dates and events with this comprehensive Orthodox calendar.
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Orthodox Christian Calendar contains information about Orthodox Christian religious holidays, higher posts of the year, days of fasting, the holy church every day and ordinances.
Holidays displaying red or black, depending on their importance.
Church ordinances important posts of the year, and it is done or not done weddings are presented in a special section.
The application is for Orthodox Christians, has a pleasant interface and easy to use. At startup displays the current day and month. Using the touch screen, you can navigate to other days and months.
Features: - search - Navigation in any month of the year - Widget - Notifications for holidays - Notifications editable - Ecclesiastical ordinances - Item Orthodox - Legal holidays - Local Festivals
User reviews
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews.
Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate,
spammy, or outdated.
Very useful for Orthodox Christians
Easy to use and well-designed
Helpful notifications when they work
Good compatibility with various screen sizes
Notifications often do not work as intended
Some inaccuracies in calendar dates compared to the Orthodox church
Ads are intrusive and frustrating for users
Large storage requirement for updates
Most mentioned
Notifications issues
Inaccuracy in calendar information
Presence of ads
User-friendliness of the app
Need for double-checking against official Orthodox resources
User reviews
Cea mai tare app! Nu mai primesc notificari insa e bun widgetul. Ar fi fost util ca la widget sa se poate modifica transparency/opacity la fundalul negru in rest totul ok.
December 9th. 10th, 11th 2024 have the same day of the week: Monday. What we did wrong to have 3 Mondays on the same week? Why not 3 Sundays, or Saturdays?!