Yoga App for Beginner -AI Yoga

Yoga App for Fitness, Lose Weight & Burn Fat Daily for beginners

Yoga App for Beginner - AI Yoga | Free Home Training

"Yoga App for Beginner - AI Yoga" is a comprehensive yoga app designed for beginners, providing free 3D video tutorials, personalized coaching, and a variety of yoga workouts to enhance fitness, promote weight loss, and support mental well-being. With features like multilingual support, detailed instructions, and customizable workout plans, this app ensures an accessible and enjoyable yoga journey at home without the need for equipment.
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App stats

Downloads: 785,297
Rating: 4.45
Version: 9.1 (Last updated: 2024-04-03)
Version code: 91
Creation date: 2020-03-07
  • android.permission.ACCESS_ADSERVICES_AD_ID
  • android.permission.ACCESS_ADSERVICES_TOPICS
  • android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION
  • android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION
  • android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
  • android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE
  • android.permission.ACTION_TIME_CHANGE
  • android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE
  • android.permission.INTERNET
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Size: 45.58M


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App summary

⚡Do you need a virtual personal Yoga coach at home to train you step by step with 3D videos for Free?⚡

#️⃣No.1 YOGA App for all your needs.🧘‍♀️
There can be 3 reasons you must use "Yoga 360-Yoga for Beginners-Daily Yoga" App at Home .
You love doing Yoga at Home❓
Consistency drives you - Daily Yoga❓
Want to do Yoga at home without equipment❓

"Yoga 360-Yoga for Beginners-Daily Yoga🧘‍♂️" is best for Beginners & a free yoga class app for people who are new to yoga and want to change their life by beginning yoga workouts.
"Yoga 360-Yoga for Beginners-Daily Yoga🧘‍♀️" classes teach you basic yoga poses (asanas), yoga workouts (exercises), Pranayama, Yoga Mudras.

What else do you need? But we still got you more😉
Why you should follow Yoga 360❓
It includes…
💥Yoga for happiness & self-confidence
💥Yoga for stress, depression & anxiety
💥Yoga for weight loss & slim /young body
💥Yoga for peace of mind & anger management
💥Yoga for deep sleep & relaxation (Yoga Nindra)
💥Hybrid Yoga for balance, strength, flexibility & better Posture
💥Yoga for muscle strength, bone health & backpain
💥Yoga to boost immunity & memory
💥Yoga to lowers your blood pressure & blood sugar
💥Yoga for heart & brain health
💥Yoga for acidity / gas / digestions problems
💥Yoga for allergies & body detox
💥Yoga for wrinkles and to rejuvenate skin
💥Yoga for women or ladies & girls – Customized
💥Yoga for spiritual enlightenment & inner exploration

"Yoga 360-Yoga for Beginners-Daily Yoga🧘‍♀️" is a virtual personal yoga teacher who demonstrates all yoga poses and asanas by 3D videos step by step, so can-do perfect pose without mistake
You don’t need any equipment🏋️🙅 or instrument or trainer. Yoga 360 helps you practice all yoga poses at home at any time.

Features of Yoga 360 - Yoga at Home - Daily Yoga for Beginner
⚡Demonstrating every step of exercise in 3D videos with voice guidance for beginners
⚡Easy to understand home-based yoga, workouts & exercise designed for everyone: men, women & girls.
⚡Personal trainer to keep track & coach
⚡Supports 18 languages - Voice instruction
⚡Track weight loss plan progress and burned calories
⚡All home workouts, no need for any instruments
⚡3 difficulty levels for beginner, intermediate, and pro.
⚡Breathing tips and advice on video
⚡Addition in-detail videos to understand Yoga poses, Pranayama & Exercises better way
⚡Daily health tips and guides on Yoga
⚡More customize plans for each user
⚡Daily workout and diet tracker
⚡Customized workout reminders to remind your progress of your health
⚡Chart of daily burned calories, weight loss & BMI
⚡Offer research & science-based yoga & exercise training
⚡No gym & no equipment
⚡Work 100% - (any age)
⚡NonVeg / Veg / Vegan diet for all kinds of users

Easy, helpful, and 100% FREE! What are you waiting for? Get the best yoga app in 2021 Yoga 360 - Yoga at Home - Daily Yoga for Beginner RIGHT NOW.
Wishing you a Happy Yoga Journey with us… Enjoy…
Find out even more at

User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Great for beginners with a variety of poses
  • Provides visuals and descriptions for exercises
  • Free to use with useful features
  • Can lead to positive physical improvements
  • Peaceful and refreshing experience reported by users
  • Some poses are too difficult for real beginners
  • Issues with app functionality after updates (e.g., videos not working)
  • Negative motivational messages
  • Short time limits between poses
  • Presence of ads that can be distracting
Most mentioned
  • Beginners finding poses difficult
  • Functionality issues after updates
  • Positive physical improvements reported
  • Need for better motivational messages
  • Presence of ads
User reviews
It's my first day to using this app .. this app includes very good poses which have a lots of benefits for our health and it will help us to maintaining our body posture..and as a beginner you must try these poses.. this app includes.. ...cow face pose ,fish pose, seated mountain pose, Bird dog crunch ... overall this app is really amazing... it can be more beneficial if it may increase the time limit for every poses...🙏✌️
by Naghma Parveen, 2023-10-05

The app has been very useful until today when i updated, it doesn't show the instruction videos of the pose and neither does it play a soothing sound in the background. Could you pls fix this and get it back to normal
by Sahil Sajeev, 2022-01-19

The animation is not well framed. It takes different proportions and it is difficult to figure out what it presents
by Alina Corlaci, 2021-12-27
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