Seattle Seahawks Mobile

The official mobile app of the Seattle Seahawks.

Total ratings

3.57 (Rating count: 9,269)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • App constantly crashes and has stability issues.
    • Location services cause problems with accessing content, claiming users are out of the market.
    • Streaming quality is poor, with frequent interruptions.
    • Poor user interface and design flaws make navigation difficult.
    • Inconsistent functionality between features (e.g., links leading to wrong content).
    Most mentioned
    • App crashes frequently.
    • Users dealt with problems accessing audio content due to incorrect location detection.
    • Streaming issues are prevalent during games, with content often pausing or cutting out.
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.60
    All time rating average: 3.57
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    Date Author Rating Comment
    Douglas Stewart
    2023-2024 season was hard to use. 2024-2025 it worked first two games now they updated it mid Season (Very Stupid) and now it's just an endless loop of asking me to create an account. Stupid APP I couldn't get to that point unless I already had a ticket master, NFL, Seahawks account. Just a huge waste, this will most likely be my last season going to the games. I know that they could care less and with Seattle circling the drain don't waste your time or money.
    Ann Kelly
    About 50% of the time I can't access my tickets or account manager from the app. Everytime I log it prompts me that I need to link my Ticketmaster account and then when I press ok it either goes to my account so I can access my tickets or a blank white screen. Closing the app and starting again doesn't seem to help once it's happened.
    Audra McCoy
    Set up for purchases, not to access mobile tickets easily. Frustrating
    Slappi Bruhaha
    Stupid app won't let me listen on the live radio because it says I'm outside of the region when I'm clearly inside the region! POS app
    Kevin Weishaar
    The app is awful and always has been awful. From ticketing to having any sort of use in the stadium. The latest issue is apparently something is in my cart that is no longer available so since I can't edit my cart and the unavailable product isn't listed I just can never order from it. It just gives an error message I can't fix.
    BJ Mezek
    Can't do anything with it at this point. Update only made it worse. 10-08-24 Between the constant errors and giving me last year's schedule, this app is still garbage.
    Chris Pellegrino
    This app is hot garbage. Cashing constantly. Sign in fails constantly. Links fail constantly . lNo it's not you or your phone it is the app developers who should be fired.
    Dan Smith
    For the past 3 years, I've never gotten a barcode nor an option to send them to Google Wallet. Seahawks customer service is great, but they don't understand the problem. Every game it is a trip to Will Call to have them text the tickets to me. Please fix this on going problem.
    Brandon Blackburn
    Won't load the game and when it does it won't go full screen. Has to keep bars at the top and bottom, so you can't see the whole picture. NFL getting greedy, so I had to use this app to watch the preseason game. One of the worst experiences I've ever had streaming a game. Pixelated and slow on top of not being able to see the entire picture if I have it turned sideways. I watch RedZone on my phone every year without an issue but this app doesn't work correctly
    Rikk Norton
    It is good other than the available fonts and type sets. The outline font sucks and I wish there were solid options.
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